I will be called MC from now. Someone called me that on IRC, and I think it sounds sexy and cool, so its my new name. If anyone does not call me that, I'll bust em up with the sword below, and it wont be pretty. Caddies is also acceptable.
Righto, some screenies I've collected in my time on EfU. Sadly I didn't get any from my first character, Praetorius, but I've remembered that the print screen button exists after I smacked myself in the head a few times for forgetting it during his ending moments. Anyway, without further ado:
After offing a certain wizard that was proving annoying, my second character Arto finds out that he is back. He aint happy, either. After learning where he would be, he plots...
And plots...
And plots...albeit with a scared ally: :lol:
And waits for his quarry, that never did come. In a pink dress and stylish black pot helm as well. Now thats haawwt!
[EDIT: Some screens withdrawn]
Now, Skret. He's either running from the Fugue to the Servant of Kelemvor, in the process of dying, or kicking arse and finding teh pHatz l00tz!
Some badarse boots. You have to have Skill Focus: Ass Kickery to get these. Skret has max skill points in it...
His newly acquired ass-kicking implementation device...
Thats it! Hope you enjoyed them. I'll be updating as I get more, though. Oh, and this took *ages* for me to do, because I'm a n00b. So you better like them. :evil:
- MadCads.