Now please, don’t take this guide as the end all be all for a good character, because it’s certainly not. What I intended to do was put down some thoughts and ideas I have been mulling over for the past few years about playing a good aligned character in the world of NWN, and most recently EFU and to perhaps spur some new life/thought into what many consider a rather “boring” alignment. Know also that it will not be a discussion on the alignments, you play them as you choose within the constraints the DMs have set.
I feel that the boringness in it all is the inevitability of it all. In all the books and in all the comics, in the end the good guy (the hero, the protagonist) wins. Certainly this is the norm, but there are exceptions where the anti-hero is followed and wins. Yes, great. But the reality is that 9 times out of 10 good will win, and why you ask? Because the solidity of the game environment depends on it—that is in a static environment. Here at EFU it’s a bit different, with the active DM interaction and the changing of the city environment reactive to player actions. The city can be seiged and done in, the town hall could be blown up with all the councilors in a meeting when it happened, and the water poisoned, the machines driving the water/air sabotaged and stopped. The possibilities for doom and despair are rather endless—and here’s the kicker, the DM team would allow it –if-, and I’ll reiterate –if- it was well planned and executed, well rp’d and well done. I have no doubts there. We indeed have the possibility of a fluid environment, where PC actions have a very real impact. That said—it is the job of the good aligned character living in the city, from Damaran to reformed Thayan, to thwart those actions and keep Sanctuary safe. To that end, I’ll give my thoughts on each of the good alignments (and in doing so open a whole big barrel of crackers), and follow up with a short discussion on good play types.
Knowing your place in the grand scheme of things:
The Good: Now understand that plenty of people play good people as generally nice folks, and generally I think that would apply to most people you meet. But here’s the kicker—good doesn’t mean nice, selfless, helpful, clean, neat, orderly, righteous, trustworthy, honest, true, chaste, benevolent, friendly, thrifty, brave, clean, or reverent. Good simply put, is exactly that. Not bad. Not evil. Doing what is generally right a greater percentage of the time because at your core, you believe that there is value in doing so. A good character has at his/her core the desire to adhere to a morality/code of ethics that is in line with either a good aligned diety, the beneficial aspects of a neutral aligned diety, or to some other internal moral driving force that pushes that character to act in the benefit of society or some idealistic view of the world. But know that you don’t need to be the embodiment of good to be a good aligned character. Have flaws, vacillate over the moral conundrums that pop up due to your characters beliefs, and be fallible. It’s sometimes the foibles that endear a character and spawns great rp.
The Bad: The evil folks that give you so much trouble by making giant spider spawn, by wanting to turn the townspeople into piles of ooze, or by simply wanting to get along with demons and devils and open the unnamed pit to the 19th Lord of the Flamming Pit of Eternal Doom. These guys are your nemesis should you choose them. Just sitting out there in their secret lairs waiting for some good adventurer to come along and listen to them monologue about their plans. The bad folk come and go, and that, and that, is what can make playing a good aligned character fun. You have conflict, something to fight against, and something to be worried about. Evil characters that get big are usually well played as well. You can learn a lot about how to play a good character from watching a well played evil character.
The reactive vs the pro-active: Let’s face it, everyone is reactive except for the bad guys. Bad guys go out with nothing and make something evil that will endanger others, actively recruit for their plots, and actively try to put it to those after them before they get caught. They do not just sit around and wait for the good guy to ring the bell on the stoop of the lair. Good guys on the other hand tend to be very re-active. Something happens, and then you say “hey, I’m good. I need to correct that problem.” And in some instances that’s fine, especially with DM run quests that are set up before hand. But what about being pro-active good? Forming an organization is great, but if you all still sit around and wait for evil to rear it’s ugly head you are still re-active. But what if you set out a spy ring to collect info on anything bad that’s happening and then trying to nip it in the bud –before- it happens. What if your group wants to seek out the seven treasures of hell not because someone else is trying to get to them already, but because if you have them before evil thinks of it, evil never will have a chance at them. This is an environment (EFU) where evil is very easy to play, and with the prevalence of evil, pro-active good becomes easier to do as well. So set that sting operation, stake out places you think evil is going to, and above all, think about what evil would want and then pre-empt them by correcting the situation.
Know your goals:
Evil has it easy I think when it comes to goals. Take world domination for instance. I mean, how many evil guys have had this uber-goal in mind? But think about it—What’s wrong with a good aligned character wanting that goal to come to pass? Nothing! Why not dominate the world and ensure a lasting empire with strict laws to benefit society and all people?(LG). Want to be a badass mercenary known throughout the lands as the one to get the job done, though one with a conscience that takes jobs that allow him to sleep at night of course (NG, CG, even LG should you have a warriors code you adhere to). How about a wizard hellbent on immortality and immense power, but whose main goal in life is to try to rid the world of the taint of the shadow weave? There are a lot of possibilities for long term, character defining goals for every class and race combination out there. The lack of long term goals is a sure fire way to kill a character off early by lack of focus. Make goals, make goals that are attainable, and then see to it. It gives you something to do with a character after the questing is all said and done. Goals help make rp, questing rarely does.
Goals come in two basic flavors, long term and short term. Short term goals are those that pop up usually through RP, through DM quests and such. But once you get past those, you’ve got to have something that really drives your character to continue. Long term goals may never be truly obtained, but add that core driving principle on which your character focuses. Look in real life at some of the long term goals of those that history remembers. Rasputin: to control the rulers, and thereby rule. The Ceasers: to extend the empire beyond what it was. Ghengis Khan: to conquer. Winston Churchill: defend a nation. Mother Teresa: end suffering. Audie Murphy (an American war hero of WWII): defend his nation and his friends. Any current Ms USA: ensure world peace…and look real pretty doing it.
Play your level:
Right, so you start out life as a level one or two ranger. Fresh out of the slave stocks but itching to get back to your real job as defender of the all the woods in the Dalelands and Courtier to the High Sun Elf Lord of Magic in the Crystal Palace. Hey, you are a second level character…and in the realm of well, anywhere, that makes you green. How green you ask? Emerald green. Greener than a new spring leaf. And what’s wrong with it? Playing your level can add a lot of dimension to your character, after all, it is a representation of his/her experience in the world in which we play. So go ahead and lack the knowledge with that 2 lore to know that the second small red eyestalk to the left can cast negative energy ray at max level and go and get hit by it. Then you’ll know it for sure.
Play your character:
Your character is a conglomerate of your goals, experiences in game, and abilities. Or can it be more than that? A biography is an important aspect of the character in my opinion, just like the prologue and first few chapters of a book sets the stage for the remainder of the story it’s a hook and a foundation from which to start your character. How about personality? Important too, for rp purposes. I usually write a good bio for each character I play, as well as list off three to four personality traits that I try to adhere to through my RP. I find that a short list helps me not only remember them, but to remember to play them. For example, In a PnP campaign that I play a CN bard in my personality was (self interested, hedonist, live for the moment, sarcastic). If a problem comes up in game, the first thing I mentally list down is what personality tool would that character reach for to accomplish that goal. Q: Don’t know how to get into the evil castle? A: find a chambermaid and go hedonistic. Q: Party needs horses to travel and I have no gold because I spent it all the night before on wine and wine for the women? A: Stick the bill in a very self interested manner to the Pally in the party when he decides to act noble and says he wants to contribute to the group. Playing your character from what you have on the bio (as a starting point) and from your personality (more long running) adds to character flavor over the course of the life of the character much more than a lisp, a smoking habit, or any single gimmick can. Gimmicks get old fast, and when they wear thin on you it’s usually the end of that character. Don’t get me wrong here, they can add flavor, but should never be the sole thing differentiating your character from another. A character should have more depth than that.
Know when to take a break: And when it feels like “work” to do all the nifty extra things that you need to do due to a faction, player run plot involvement, etc., just take a break from the character. Take a breather and come back to it a little bit later. Play something else you have been thinking on for a while to get a different viewpoint on gaming or characterization. Ultimately you can’t play a good character without having fun, and having fun is what gaming is all about. It’s not about playing the best played character ever, it’s about fun.
Look, these are just ideas at the end of the day. Play your character the way you want to, but I hope that you get something out of this. I’ll tell you, it helped me focus on a few things I need to get better at.