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Letter for Mr G. Portman

Dear sir. Ay be Thorigan, son oh Harrgar of thee Flamebreath clan. Ah be intersted in hiring yee house tay be clan hall far me clan down in this place. Ah be lookin far a place tay gather thee clan far meetins an such. We also be lookin tay set up a minin operation witin the mines tay the outskirts oh the town an would be glad tay include yee in this ventre as a full partner and as such give yee a cut oh all profits fay mining that be takin place by oor clan. Ah can be found in the Rock Bottom Inn on most nights an wud be glad tay hear from yee on this matter.

Me thanks tay yee Thorigan Flamebreath

Dear sir,

The property is no longer available.

Mr. Portnom