*A slight scratching is heard at the door to the Rockbottom at the early hours of the morning and Harunos' words spoken "Sir Spencer you have mail" however after 2 hours of sitting on the doorstep waging his tail Harunos pushes the letter under the door and decides to head off to play with the halfling named Rissi some more*
the letter reads
Sir Spencer
I know it is a little early for me to be asking you favors especially after the incident i caused a few nights ago however i believe this one may benifit you in bringing more coustomers in. many of your patrons have become quite fond of Harunos, my familiar especially a pair of halflings which frequent your establishment. they go by the names of Rissi and Nemals. Harunos would not hurt anyone and is very loveable having said that he could work as a guard for your establishment. The watch private does a great job but he cannot leave his post which lets the opertunity for trouble arrise in the grotto and upstairs with Harunos there to help it would allow the Private to occassionally do rounds to make sure everything is still in order where he would not be able to normally. at any rate i would accept full and more responsability for his actions should you allow him inside your fair establishment.
sincearly Tasha
P.s please if you do not wish to tell me inperson the next time i come to honor my word for working as a waitress for no fee than just wistle as harunos will come and collect any word or letter you give him and he will return it to me