2006-06-11 13:18:38 UTC
I have had two incidents with the obelisks attacking our group that I believe was unintentional.
First time I had an animal companion out. Shortly after his death, fire traps doing about 200 damage hit every member of our group and killed us. Yet, we were nowhere near the obelisks. In fact, I couldn't even see obelisks on my screen.
Second time was rather chaotic. Our group charged out, but no furthur then just outside the chokepoint. At one point, an obelisk attacked and nearly killed someone behind the chokepoint area, out of harm's way.
So yeah, I think the obelisks need to be looked at again.
2006-06-11 13:55:35 UTC
Yeh, I was in that second group, and randomly out of nowhere a shitload of magic missiles fly from the general area of the obelisks, *over* the stone cliff then down into our party on the stairs.
I was the closest to the obelisks, but they were still out of sight.
Staring Death
2006-06-11 15:44:03 UTC
I was hit by the magic missiles; I know very little of this quest, but I know while I moved a bit, it said "trap triggered"
-And yes, I've never been near the obelisks, I have no idea what they even look like.
2006-06-11 20:27:35 UTC
Was there heavy lag during either or both of the incidents?
2006-06-11 20:31:36 UTC
Not on my side, I don't recall heavy lag. Maybe some minor lag.
2006-06-12 05:37:21 UTC
I was there for the first incident, no lag, just a big explosion and a nice vacation in the fugue.
2006-06-14 10:35:34 UTC
Can anybody report this happening on any other traps, either in EfU or elsewhere? I'm a little concerned that this may be some sort of nasty general issue. I don't think the traps near the obelisks are different from any other traps.
2006-07-13 12:14:53 UTC
Has this issue ever been duplicated? :/
2006-07-14 14:30:31 UTC
I can confirm, the obelisks just have standard traps sitting between them. There isn't anything mysterious about them from a mechanics side.
2006-09-19 05:49:10 UTC
This remains a known issue. I think that Howland observed that projectile traps behave badly in lag; perhaps that could be it?
2006-10-02 08:37:58 UTC
Any reports of this since the earlier incidents?
2006-10-02 08:53:55 UTC
I've run over those traps there before, and I can confirm a long delay before being hit by the missiles. This was recently - about a week ago. I ran along the traps on the left side.
2006-10-02 10:04:58 UTC
Do the regular (not projectile) variants of the traps work fine?
I suppose one solution might just be using only regular traps here, and not projectile ones.
2006-10-02 12:46:48 UTC
Well seeing as how I try and avoid traps as best I can (most of them being pretty much insta death)....
I would suggest taking a test character in the mod and running him across the traps.
It is hard to say, exactly - but here is basically what it looked like. I ran out looking for more Undead, and I didn't know there were traps between those Obelisks. So I ran right over a few of them before stopping. It *SEEMED* like a single trap triggered multiple times.
I paused, bracing myself for death but nothing happened. So I turned and ran away. I made it almost back to the staircase before the magic missiles started coming. The first wave hit, and I instantly healed, the healing was enough to take the second wave. I was up the stairs before the third wave could hit me, at about 1/3 life. I didn't even know what was happening until someone asked me if I had triggered the traps.
Compare this to the traps in the Goblin Fortress. All it takes is someone to look at those things the wrong way and they die instantly. It happens so fast that the rest of the group doesn't even know what happens until AFTER they are dead and see the corpse. (Well this is what happened the one time I've been there. After that experience I've refused to go back. :P)
2006-10-02 16:47:05 UTC
Basically it is a matter of that quest being really laggy. The obelisks don't have custom scripting, and they aren't anything special. What is happening is that traps are firing and lag is delaying the effects.
2006-10-12 08:41:13 UTC
The main projectile traps have been replaced with regular traps. Ideally, this will cut down on the bugginess.