[Posed in various, prominent parts of both Upper and Lower]
The Society of the Ordered Mind Born and bred in the sweet and blessed light of the world of day, duty bound to march into the bowels of the earth to do battle with the greatest threat to good in existence. Our holy crusade will not end until the threat of the aberrations is extinguished. In order to accomplish this we shall require your aid, good citizens of Sanctuary.
How can you help? - Illithid outposts, beholder lairs, hook horror warrens, umber hulk nests – many such unholy nests of aberrations are to be found within the Underdark. If you encounter such places in your journeys outside the city, or have reason to believe where one is to be found, report so to us immediately that we might remove the threat.
- The Illithid, more commonly known as mindflayers, are an enigma to all mankind and possibly the greatest threat to our community. Adventurers; if you have encountered these creatures in your journeys we would be pleased to hear your tale. We ask that all Illithid sightings be reported to the Society immediately.
- The chaotic powers of the aberrations are many. In order to better ward ourselves and the noble men and women who join us in battle against them, we require further supplies of protective potions. If you are an alchemist capable of brewing potions and crafting wands of arcane and divine power to fit our needs you will be well compensated should you offer your services to us. Specific needs will be clarified when we make contact with you.
- Has your friend developed strange habits overnight? Have you witnessed bizarre, unusual behaviour from people you once knew? Have you noticed formely upstanding citizens moving in alien ways, with blank and mindless stares? The psionic powers of the aberrations are not to be underestimated; if you suspect that a citizen has fallen victim to enthrallment its in Sanctuary’s best interest that you report your suspicions to us that we might further evaluate the person in question to see whether he/she is a threat to our community or not.
- Has an item such as this somehow come into your possession? Know that it allows entry to a place most wicked, and that seeking this place would cause you nothing but suffering. We strongly advise all who come across these items to turn them in at the chapterhouse that we might see them properly disposed of. We offer the sum of 10 gold pieces for each such item that is turned in to us.
[A rough sketch of the organic key to the Pyrimo Inn follows, along with a description of it]
Recruitment Do you wish to dedicate yourself to our most noble cause and fight alongside the crusaders of the Society of the Ordered Mind as one of us? Are you ready to submit yourself to ceaseless training in the physical and mental disciplines required to battle these unnatural foes? Would you be willing to make it your personal responsibility to ensure that the threat of the aberrations is ended? If so, meet with us at the chapterhouse that we may discuss your future in the town of Sanctuary and see if you have what it takes to join us in our most righteous crusade.
Words of warning Do not underestimate the reach of the aberrations. Be wary when you travel through nearby areas such as the abandoned mines, the caverns west of the lower Sanctuary gate and the twisted caves to the northwest of the gate road, for hook horrors and beholderkin are found at these places on a regular basis. Take the proper precautions for such encounters and ward yourself with protection from evil! If faced with a beholderkin without even such a minor ward in place you will find yourself in their power, unable to even attempt to make your escape. It is also advised that you keep a potion of clarity at hand in case you should find yourself faced with the more powerful varieties of the aberrations. If so, we again urge you to report this at the chapterhouse that professionals may properly deal with the threat.
In conclusion All valuable information regarding aberrations will be generously compensated, however be advised that this offer only applies to those of good intentions.
If you have any questions regarding our society, you are most welcome to visit our chapterhouse in the northeastern part of upper Sanctuary.
The Society of the Ordered Mind As originaly composed by Ambrose Crownguard