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Colbert Roasts President Bush


I thought everyone had seen this, but apparently not. Its some pretty groundbreaking comedy, not in its content (and this I stress), but in the fact that he said it right to Bush's face. Love him, hate him, I dont care, but at least enjoy this video.

A little background: The White House Correspondent's Meeting is an annual meeting in which white house representatives, reporters, etc, and usually the president and vice president gather for a dinner, and which usually features a comedian who "roasts" the president.

Well, this takes it a bit further, to say the least. Great stuff if you like Colbert.

Haha, awesome! That man has some serious guts. :)

I was waiting for the sniper all throughout the speech...he never came :( . I was sure George would order his death

yeaaah thats not going to happen anytime soon. shortly after this roast, the internet left put up a massive thank you website to him and he was their diety du jour for a little while.

I cringed several times watching that.