I thought it might be nice to contribute ideas for those funny little things that make people laugh when they read the description of something - and possibly even make it feasible to add some on their own accord like graffiti on portals described in the Underdark supplement of PnP: "On a portal leading to the Elemental Plane of Water: Swimsuits optional."
I think this kind of things add to the fun, provided by the server and give a flavor of people being able to do something on their own. I think, it might be possible to script a portal for instance much like it's in CoA and yet, add there two more options: "Draw a graffiti" and "Read the graffiti". This would either make a list of graffiti, renewing itself at a certain size, typed in as a message, like the messaging system does in CoA, or it would add up to five graffiti in to the portal description, which would be cleaned up from time to time. A Crazy idea, yes, but I think it might be fun - and enable some ingame warnings on some portals as well.