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Thanks to Thrawn

Wanted to put a note up to thank thrawn for some fun wrok he did for us. Took a group out to look for the lair of the beholder that had been around sanctuary and though we didn't find it (remember where you put it trawn..I may go look again real soon ;). We did find a greater hook hoor in a cave that was great fun to bring down we tried to run from it but it followed us out..ran arond like mad hitting it from far away..thankfully some kobolds showed up and didn't like have a greater hook hoor in their cave (then of course we had to kill the kobolds to). Was great fun!

Thanks for the work Thrawn and all DM's is very much appreciated!

WHILE Thrawn was lurvin' the beholder party, he was cheating on you with the party I was in.

See, DMs love, but they're never loyal. *sniffles*

Thrawn, thank you for the Spiced Arga Flambe.

And for the stalking. It's great to log in, wander out and find my heart in my throat.

care to eleborate oh great stoned witch...that sounds like it was fun!

It was a mightly blast.

Here's the thing: EfU has a lot of great scripted quests that don't get the same kind of play as others. It's not because they're so far from spawn points, it's not because they don't have a storytelling component, and it's not because they don't present a challenge with commensurate l00t. They just don't get player love like they should.

The DMs see this and it makes some of them sad.

So they take these already-scripted but unloved quests and they spiffy them up in name of DM Questitude.

In our case, Thrawn's NPC pointed us toward Arga's tomb. (This was a stroke of wonderful luck for me, because I actually know where it is! I tend to get lost, y'see.) And by 'us,' I mean a group of other players with whom I have had very little contact up to this point. So I got to find out what had been changed with 'the Arga quest' and enjoy it with a new bunch of characters. And so long as I have a good time, that's all that matters. Right?

I was a member of that Band of Bat Bashin Trog Stompin Hook Horror slayin troup, and as it was my first night on the server, I must say ...what a way to start. The most fun I have had in a persistent world server in a long, long time. Cudos to Thrawn for makin the @ and for Samus for pointin the way. Safe to say I am hooked, excuse the pun, on EFU.

We love you Thrawn! I had about an hour of chain Quests. (Did Gnoll Quest, found Halfling, brought him to the Hold, needed to get diamonds, ressurected him, turned out he didn't want to be ressurected. Lost 5000 Gold >.<) And that got me an extra 1500 exp thrown on.

AND he remembered all the details the next day.

AND i got an item that turns my 10 dex Cleric into a 15 h/ms Rogue with other shibbity skills. I can only use it 8 more times though :cry:

Thrawn is a pretty cool DM; honest, attentive, proactively helpful and he has a great pic on this forum. I mean, I can't even tell what that is. Is it a pony?

lovethesuit Is it a pony?
It can be anything you want, but I believe it's intended to be an Illithid, similar to Arkov's.

If you look at it sorta-sideways, it looks like a doggie!

Actually, it's an abstract illithid.

Thanks for all the feedback. I was happy I didn't get everyone killed as I was jumping between two groups on quests at the same time and handling a player issue. Usually that's bad for parties.

On the hook horror, thing I feel bad about is I didn't get one thing accross too well evidently. The invisible kobold illusionist was the true villain all along. The hook horror was just an illusion, which is why everyone got a TR or Full heal the moment it died. You only thought you were hurt. Once his big illusion was gone, the poor kobold was trying to make a break for it.

actually we got that just trying to make ourselves look better as adventueres..;) You must have missed that bit of roleplay at the end we figured it out and decided that killing a hook horror made a better song ;).

So is the @beholder lair still around or should I just ask you where you put it..must have been in the spider caves because I went out and looked later after everyone else left except there and I'm hoping you didn't put it in the underdark canal area as I almost got killed there twice....not a good place or even a low level group I believe..

Illusions, one of the branches of magic just MADE for d.m interaction :) (divinations the other) Also both the hardest to implement in games because of how open ended they are.

Thats sounds like great stuff there thrawn.