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Why Conjurers Will One Day Rule The World

So, I got these neat vials from Coronado earlier today, right? I was thinking, "what the heck, it's not like we won't make it anyways so I might as well give it a try." So I did.

I apologize for not downscaling more than I did, but this was simply too funny to miss out on. Notice how everyone beats the rat's DCs. :)

This is easily the best and the worst scripted quest I've experienced to date.

[Edit] I should elaborate on the final comment a bit. The best part was due to my awe-inspiring rats and the worst part was due to Grey and Tuur wanting to trash über loot at the end... and getting away with it. >.>

You should see the Summon Creature IV for that reagent :D I think Strife knows what it is.

Heh, the Uber loot was a Holy Symbol of Talona (not exactly sure about the name, but something like this. +4 vs disease, +2 vs posion. Trust me dude, I was in tears when I found myself doing the "Zomg, it's evil???? LET's trash it!" routine... It's prolly not gonna get junked XD ... up to the Watch)

Anyways, nice screens! :D

Trashed, my arse. He's probably using it himself. :D

we had what, 7 people in that party?

and you were outvoted 2 to 1 = the power of not-voting

Rock the Vote! erm....

I always wondered why people were afraid of rats

The Level 9 Summon for the Rat theme is so great.

I think level 9 Summon for Illusion may be the craziest though.

so each school has a different summon at each level for each "theme" this is rather different from the origianl is it not..is this explained anywhere OOC? The brewing potions and scribing scrolls aspect of the server seems very interesting and well done. I hope to eventually to have a concept worthy of acceptance into the spell guard just so I can explore it.

Along those lines is anything with the dark weave that is mentioned in Mystra's description been considered for implimentation? Studying it seems like a good reason for a wizard to travel voluntarily to the underdark.

*grey prays to someday figure out how to access the illusion theme*

Zaldar so each school has a different summon at each level for each "theme" this is rather different from the origianl is it not..is this explained anywhere OOC? The brewing potions and scribing scrolls aspect of the server seems very interesting and well done. I hope to eventually to have a concept worthy of acceptance into the spell guard just so I can explore it.

Summoning themes can all be learned in game and while there are a number of them currently in; it'd ruin much of the fun if you knew what all of them are.

Personally, I think the Illusion theme was the most fun to work on actually since I got to take whatever I wanted and use it there. I had a few themes that I just never got working properly, but they were really good.

My lament is the Myrkul cultist theme never got finished. It would have summoned a poisonous red cloud of gas from which undead slowly appeared en masse.

Zaldar so each school has a different summon at each level for each "theme" this is rather different from the origianl is it not..is this explained anywhere OOC? The brewing potions and scribing scrolls aspect of the server seems very interesting and well done. I hope to eventually to have a concept worthy of acceptance into the spell guard just so I can explore it.

Summoning themes can all be learned in game and while there are a number of them currently in; it'd ruin much of the fun if you knew what all of them are.

Learned off or learned by and used by any character? I've seen the summoning sands and such for sale but never bought them since my character is not a wizard..

Macizo *grey prays to someday figure out how to access the illusion theme*

Steal my research and I'll kill you. I'll kill you! :)

I think themes are nearly in perfect balance. First I thought that this is not fair, I have just wraith, and normal summon would be rothe with ab +11/+7 and spamming knockdown.

I shut my mouth after the wraith drained my opponents constitution by 6 in duel :P

Summon Themes ROCK!

*signed by happy owner of malignent shadows*

speaking of loot though. trhe game identifies stuff when somebody looks at it.

But until somebody actually SAYS what it is, people shouldnt really be acting like they know what it is before the person who identified it says what it is.

So the person who identified the talona item could probably have kept silent about it :)

p.s. I like the conjuration themes, but havent figured out what the tome part of the focus is.

chaosprism speaking of loot though. trhe game identifies stuff when somebody looks at it.

But until somebody actually SAYS what it is, people shouldnt really be acting like they know what it is before the person who identified it says what it is.

So the person who identified the talona item could probably have kept silent about it :)

That person just so happened to me Grey. And Tuur pointed him out for swag-duty. Stupid seekers.