2006-06-02 06:24:56 UTC
Hi, 6 of us attempted to do the Hoar quest including Kodax, Blanca, Balin, Gruff, Olaf and around 4 of us have just died bug deaths of some sort as soon as we tried to back out of taking the quest.
Around 3.40pm 2nd June it was as if the server was producing 2 of every one of us in different parts of any given screen. There was no lag per se, it just ended up with us having to log because for approximately 30 seconds nothing happened on our screens but evidently the server was still running. This occured right after the servers last restart closest to 3.30pm on 2nd June.
Since then we have all copped the XP hit and tried without much success to get our gear back. There is some conjector over who's belongings are who's and we would appreciate if DM's could look into reversing what happened somehow (Back to just before last restart?).
2006-06-02 06:49:19 UTC
They were lag deaths, thats for sure. However, no DM was residing over the quest, so I doubt much can be done.
As for the belongings, everyone has their gear. However, some scpecial items and gold were taken. Thats an IC issue now though, I'd say.
2006-06-02 07:10:05 UTC
Yeah, I'm afraid the DM's won't (and can't really) do anything about lag deaths they didn't witness, or we could all claim we sufferred it when a character dies in quest.
The missing stuff? Yeah... keep an eye on Blanca. :wink:
2006-06-02 07:15:46 UTC
This happened to a group of us in the Dunwarren Staircase quest two or three days back. Screen froze at the start of the quest, full health, etc., and we had to log out/restart after it stayed frozen for a good 20-30 seconds. When we logged back in three of the five of us were in the Fugue.
Its a shame, but seems unavoidable and part of the nature of the beast. Nothing to be done, really.
2006-06-02 20:36:18 UTC
Lag death is unfortunate, but it really is the nature of PW gaming. As with pretty much every other large PW out there, we can not (as DMs) correct bugs, deaths, etc. that occured when we didn't witness the issue. It would be grossly unfair to those who died because of technical issues and didn't report, would be open to exploitation, and would cause so much unpleasant work for the DMs that very quickly we'd be overwhelmed and not want to DM anymore.
That said, the situation you described sounds pretty unusual. Duplicates of characters with no actual latency? An expansion upon this would be useful in determining if there was actual bugginess involved.
2006-06-03 01:09:26 UTC
I was on the quest, and experienced alot of latency. It seemed the whole server almost came to a standstill. I did not see any duplicates or anything like that, but some random person (presumably a bug) joined our party. Had no portrait, name or hit points. Just a black square on the party portrait list.
DMs were contacted after the lag stopped, as everyone but 2 people died wholly becuase of the lag. Unfortunately, none were on, so most of us simply bit the bullet and did the best to retreive the items from the room fully of hostiles.
As many have said, its the nature of the beast.