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Private letter for Shauna Trevail.


By now, you will likely know that your life is in very real danger. You escaped me once, but your feet can only save you so many times, and the ones you leave behind will suffer for your fleetness.

I write you this letter to tell you why your life is forfeit.

Quadra has something of mine - The fine armor she wears, and she refuses to return it to me. That decision is her folly, and your own.

She refuses to bend to my reasonable demands, and unwisely she scoffs at the dilemma she has put herself into with her damnable pride. Therefore, I strike out at the only things she seems to care about; her friends.

I offer you my most sincere apologies for what will inevitably be a messy end for you, and perhaps Kata as well. Convince Quadra to surrender the armor to me, and you can live safely in the knowledge that I have forgotten that you exist.

Dont and... Well I dont think I need to elabourate any further.

The note is unsigned

I ask you give me a day or two and I will se to bringing the armor to you in sewer town or a place of your choosing - Iwill come alone - I know you do not consider me a threat.

I want a swift resolution to this and bare you no malice in this after all business is business.

If this is acceptable send word - you know how to contact me (PM) with the details.

Shauna Priestess of Waukeen

Make it so, you have two days.

The letter is unsigned.


I will contact you when I have the armor to arrange the handover.


I am to understand that you now have possession of the armor you seek and this matter is at a close.

I hold no animosity and understadn what is required to fulfill a contract.

I still seek to keep our appointed meeting time as there is further business to discuss.

If this is agreeable send word and we will make arrangements.