2006-05-25 15:51:20 UTC
written obviously hastily and in an emotional state
To the watch and the council:
Recently I learned from another citizen that traveling to the inn, mentioned in some rather interesting books in the book shop, under the waters of the black lake is punishible by execution! This was just before I had started out to look for it. This is ridiculous! Haveing no experience with such democratic governments at that of Sanctuary I knew not what to expect, but no where else have I found or heard of a government as inept as this one seems to be. It almost seems like you are trying, as some have said, to kill off your best and brightest citizens. Are you truly that afraid of loosing power, and that scared of someone actually finding a path to the surface?
The book of "laws" given to each new arrival and the postings of them throughout the town are laughably incomplete. The prohibition against carrying visable weapons is not listed, as is the requierment for spell casters to register and instructions on how to do so. I have seen several people arrested simply for not knowing about these two laws as well as the prohibition against openly casting magic.
I would request several things so that I may impart them to any newcomers I happen to meet and write them up for books that will hopefully be sold in the bookstore. First which areas are explitily off limits? Second, what are the excepted procedures for finding a member of the spell guard to register a new spell caster? At times there seem to be some in the spell guard tower at other times there are not. How long is given for a new character to register without becoming afoul of the law? Third are there anyother laws not on the signs around town I should no about before I find myself at the wrong end of a stone?
I would also like to know the current leaders of the spellguard, the watch, the seekers, the tigereye mercanary guild, and any other factions I may have missed. Along with the current membership of the council and a breif explanation of what is requiered to stand for election this is information that would be useful for all new arrivals.
I hope to hear from you at the pissing crone soon.
2006-05-27 08:09:35 UTC
Dear Mr. Samus,
Thank you for inquiry.
It is neither illegal to brandish weapons or fail to be registered with the Spellguard as a user of magics. Officers of the peace may arrest a citizen who refuses to put away their weapon, however this is generally up to the discretion of the individual officer and the arrest may only occur after the citizen refuses to cease brandishing this weapon -- there is precedent for this to be considered disturbing the peace.
Spellcasting registration is strongly encouraged, but is not a technical law of the town. However, to cast magic and not be registered is a minor crime. Regardless of registration, casting magic in non-warded areas is also a crime.
A Council Decree stated that entrance into the region known as the Sand Canyon was expressly forbidden, this is clearly posted at the Sanctuary Gate. There is, at this time, no specific law stating that entrance into the area known as the "Sleeping Pyrimo Inn" is forbidden, although to actually do so would be grounds for extreme suspicion and possibly grounds for being charged with endangerment of Sanctuary.
The Sanctuary Lawbook is indeed a work in progress, as the Council adds new laws or clarifies old one these updates will be announced.
The leader of the Spellguard is Commander Simms.
The leader of the Sanctuary Watch is Sheriff Eugene Walters.
The leader of the Tigereye Mercenary Company chooses not to reveal his name, but is known as the Captain.
As of this most recent election, the members of the Sanctuary Council are as follows:
Demetrius Bhast
Gaeseric the Unyielding
Grigor Starag
Genevis Ward
Adelia Tyrell
Jacob Geigne
Mandarin Dreagle
Rilo Manasi
Morgan Maddocks
Any citizen of Sanctuary may run for the Sanctuary Council after paying a one thousand gold fee.
I hope these answers will be of use to you.
Sergeant Sterspar
Sanctuary Watch
2006-05-28 22:25:27 UTC
So registering as a spellcaster is not a law but casting spells if you are unregistered is, though it is not illegal to brandish weapons having the out an refusing to put them away will get you arrested and though going to the sleeping pyrimo inn is not illegal it can still get you killed by the council. And I thought the dwarven lawyers had a monopoly on spliting hairs. I thank ye for the info.
2006-05-28 23:28:32 UTC
Dear Mr. Samus,
You are quite welcome.
I do agree that the laws are somewhat convoluted. This is a relic of the Ubel Rebellion, after which the majority of Sanctuary's laws were simply revoked in a frenzy of reductionist fervor. Over the past thirty years since then, the Council and the Watch have been working to rebuild our tattered lawbook and make the laws consistent, clear, and complete, but it is been a slow process due to political stonewalling and bickering over even the smallest changes.
If you are interested in working to help make our lawbook more thorough, more consistent and more complete, I encourage you to contact a Councilor and speak with them about your concerns. Until then, the officers of the Watch will be here to help clarify the details and intricacies of the legal system to the best of our ability.
Stay safe.
Sergeant Sterspar
Sanctuary Watch