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Analysis of Conditions

Now you cant see what "conditions" somebody has I suggest there be a couple of items that can reveal certain ones.

Maybe it could roll a HEAL check when the item (stethoscope?) is used on someone close and it will reveal What DISEASE they have, any STAT damage, any POISON they are suffering. Whether or not they're CURSED. If somebody is LEVEL DRAINED a trained healer would have seen it before.

But it should take time, or even reveal part of the information (so you need to repeat the process)

I really really like this idea.

[Stamps the Naga seal of approval on this idea]

Or they could take two and a half seconds to tell you.

Metro_Pack Or they could take two and a half seconds to tell you.

I think the point is to avoid the "I R diseasyfied nid preist 4 heal kthxbye!!2"

Of course, unless someone roleplays feeling bad (extreme coughing, spluttering, weakness, etc.), one shouldn't check them. Running around and doing medical checkups on all the world makes absolutely no sense, but neither does proclaiming you've been diseased (without rp'ing) to everyone you meet until you find a friendly cleric.

It's easy to interact this out of a person, but I can not express how greatly opposed I am to identifying curses in this matter (heal checks, that is). If the subject failed his Spellcraft-check, he shouldn't know he's cursed. For all he knows, he just has bad luck.

If you beat a DC 24 Spellcraft check, you could tell he is bestowed with a Curse.

Yep, what Coldburn said. When I play evil clerics, I like to bestow a shitload of curses on my enemies. It really irks me when the level 2 fighter runs off and tells everyone he's just been cursed.

Yeah well the way the game is, there is still stat damage etc displayed in their character sheet for curses. Just because it doesnt appear on the examine screen any more doesnt mean it's valid to block all awareness of it as a state.

I agree that identification of curses might need a spellcraft check rather than a heal check (clerics do get that as a skill) though it shouldnt really be that high a check to identify it as a state.

And I dont agree with the griefing of players with curses either in such a way to stuff up their game with them suffering without being able to do anything about it let alone know that anything is wrong (i'm talking newer players here mostly). That might appeal to sadistic pricks (and I do mean players not the characters) , as an evil character you have to balance playing your role and being an ass to other players. Those who think it's ok to grief other players just dont belong here at all.

You honestly believe that somebody WOULDNT know something is wrong when they are cursed?

Sure they'd feel funny, but Mister Half-orc barb, may have no idea what it is, especially that they've been cursed. If we're all about RP, I don't see the harm in the half-orc grunting that it feels funny and saying "it just not right". Far more RP potential than the fly-bye cleric healing a random stranger who's diseased just because they checked their stats sheet. The changed examine is different and takes getting used to. But it's not like in PvP or PvM that there's no longer a way to figure things out... just start coughing or acting dazed, or sweating profusely or grunting with the unbearable weight of it all and I think people will figure it out. Yes a healer will know something is wrong, and after having an exam can figure it out, but it's not like you walk into a doctor and they whip out a shot and give it to you on the spot and your fixed. They have an exam, they do a little blood work, etc and even then sometimes they screw up the diagnosis. I kind of like the fact or idea that a cleric while knowing a lot and being able to help people isn't a one-stop, drive thru fix it in a jiffy healer. *gets cursed* *cleric uncurses in a second* = no rp... *gets cursed* *moans and groans about a fuzzy feeling* *cleric examines his eyes and skin tone and ... then after a while determines the cause* = a lot more RP potential IMHO

Its simple. Any character who fails the spellcraft check shouldn't know what went down, exactly. They feel 'not quite right', yes, but they don't know its a divine curse.

I agree that identification of curses might need a spellcraft check rather than a heal check (clerics do get that as a skill) though it shouldnt really be that high a check to identify it as a state.

A spellcraft check would not be needed at all for someone to know that things arent right after the curse has been bestowed.

And I dont agree with the griefing of players with curses either in such a way to stuff up their game with them suffering without being able to do anything about it let alone know that anything is wrong

Bestow curse is a great spell, and can provide for great RP opportunities, and is usually the resort of RP as well. It isnt griefing. Clerics randomly dont (well they shouldnt) go around and curse people for no reason.

A divine curse is an important thing, represented by permanent -2 to *all* ability scores it induces. Only a single spell can get rid of it. Only one class can cast it. Its an important matter.

Thus, I dont, and I'd like to hope no one else does, spit curses out whenever I feel like it. The only reason someone should be cursed is if they have commited a major move against your character, and in particular his patron and the respective diety. For example, a Dawnbringer might curse a Velsharoonite, after he learns that he has been raising and creating undead creatues, and using them to kill and maim innocents. I never curse people simply becuase they have pissed off my character.

Basically, if I curse you, you've earnt it. Deal with it. Its not greifing.

I agree if it's done right, used sparingly and played out well it can well be a good RP widget so to speak. I can just see those "evil" clerics using the 'old' excuse though to just lay it down on everyone they can. And I can see some less knowledgable players becoming cursed and playing at a massive disadvantage without even knowing why (as a player), as opposed to the more experienced players KNOWING theyr'e cursed and roleplaying the effects well. Such as clumsily falling over, getting sudden nosebleeds etc.

Have you tried using "/o c diagnose <name>" to look for regular diseases and poisoning?

Pwned by Master Scripter Arkov...

It has been in for a while but I think that I forgot to mention it, so I don't know whether that actually qualifies as "pwning". >_>

Anyhow, it doesn't count curses or level drains at all. I may add those later on, based on some sort of Spellcraft checks, but they don't seem (at least to me) like they'd be as easy to diagnose visually as poisoning or disease would be.

Arkov Anyhow, it doesn't count curses or level drains at all. I may add those later on, based on some sort of Spellcraft checks, but they don't seem (at least to me) like they'd be as easy to diagnose visually as poisoning or disease would be.

A reason for a -high- spellcraft check then. =]

Arkov Anyhow, it doesn't count curses or level drains at all. I may add those later on, based on some sort of Spellcraft checks, but they don't seem (at least to me) like they'd be as easy to diagnose visually as poisoning or disease would be.

A reason for a -high- spellcraft check then. =]

Oh you mean other than the fact that its the best skill point to invest points into in the game next to tumble?

Spellcraft check for curses and level drain, heal skill for poison an disease. And can need both for special cases. Makes sense...

Yep spellcraft gets used basically as a :

Knowledge : Arcana

skill by a lot of servers, where LORE is used simply as an item lore skill.

I cant see why CRAFT WEAPONS and CRAFT ARMOR for that matter cant also be used as a

Knowledge: Weaponsmithing Knowledge: Armoursmithing

By various npc's in the game.

CRAFT TRAPS itself could possibly be interpretted and re-used as

Knowledge: Engineering or Knowledge: Invention/Devices

Perform , a bard only skill could be used as

Knowledge: Music, Drama & Culture

Animal Empathy, only available to rangers and druids could quite easily be re-used by the module as:

Knowledge: Wilderness/Nature Lore I wouldnt be bothered by a strange plant blocking a passage having an "animal empathy" check for me to work out how to remove it, once I knew that skill was being used in another way like this.

Sorry I went off tangent again, but my mind likes doing that a bit thats where all my crazy ideas come from :D

Craft Traps is already used that way in many scripted instances, and I'm sure the other checks are too, or at least are used as such when a DM is nearby.