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[note at the Archibald Estate]

Uncle Mendrik,

I would like to meet with you sometime soon. Send word for me once youve the time.


The diminutive figure of Murp Tessel, personal aide to Mendrick Archibald, appears briefly in the doorframe of the run-down Archibald Estate as he recieves the note. He glances left... glances right... glances up... and then skitters back inside and shuts the door quickly.

A portly gnomish courier scampers up to Alexander Archibald and hands him a sealed letter. The wax seal has been imprinted with a perfect heptagon, inside which is a bold, flourished letter 'A'. The letter reads:

Dear Alexander,

It would be my pleasure to speak with you in these trying times. Stop by the Estate when you can do so next- I fear that I do not get out much, nowadays. My clerk Murp Tessel will let you in.

signed elegantly Mendrick Archibald