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At the bottom of the Dark Lake...

On an expedition with the Seekers, a group of adventurers found themselves talking to a friendly creature that offered them a choice between obeying her orders or death. Since no one in our group was particularly fond of the latter, we went with the first option. So, long story short... This happens:

It was great. Howland even played that theme from Jaws for us: Duuuuuun dun... duuuuun dun.... dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DA DA DAAAA. (Or maybe it was just me hearing it... Yeah... good stuff anyways.)

Edit: just to prevent replies with "ZOmg, u can't breathe under water1. dubya-tee-eff, how did this happen+", we were given potions of scuba diving.

Looks great! I wish I could have been there to play (but I have finals to study for so EfU is going have to wait another 3 weeks before I can play again :cry: )

Those screenies are awesome Malk. Looks like fun :)

That looks so scary actually that I am glad I was not there. *is terrified of sharks*

<3 to all.

Oh yar, it was sweet. Scary and fun at the same time. Heh, I have not played Pirates of the Sword Coast yet, so I had no idea what other kinds of new creatures were included in this patch (first time I saw the sharks in game). Was hoping for a giant squid too. :D

awesome shots

how pissed am i that i had to log when i did last night? very.

missed two great DM quests... ah well. RL happens

thanks for the shots! very cool

We'll be adding a scripted Underwater system as well as most likely some Underwater scripted quests eventually, so hopefully everyone will get their chance.

Sweet! Something else breen can be scared of.