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*Letter to Miss Tyrell*

Miss Tyrell,

Firstly, I'd like to apologize for my previous assesment that your writting was, shall we say, less then spectacular. Had I known that all of the other texts that could be found in this city are, at best, as equally uninteresting as your own, I imagine I would have given you a slightly highier marks for your efforts.

Through deduction of your works on history, as well as rumor around town, I have learned that your efforts are driven by your patronage toward the lord of knowledge Oghma. Or perhaps, your passions for knowledge have lead you to that particular patronage. Personally, I am uncertain as to how these kinds of things develop over time.

While Oghma, or any of the other gods for that matter, mean absolutely nothing to me, I like yourself, have a penchant for history and matters of written and spoken record. I'd very much enjoy the chance to meet with you in person, so that we might share our knowledge of the worlds both above and below.

There is a service I also intend to offer you, though such matters are typically best discussed in person. I can be reached at Crone, should you desire.


-Infinite Abyss