Home > Letters and Notes

*Sealed letter left for Quadra at the Rock Bottom*


We haven't been able to spend much time talking lately. I was hoping you could let me know what's been going on in your life. I was hoping maybe you could help me keep caught up with the goings on in your life and you could leave me a letter or two. I hope to talk to you soon.



I miss you a whole lot these days. I really prefer the times when you're around to the times when you're not. I hope I get to see you again soon so I can give you a well-deserved hug.

I've joined the Sanctuary Sisterhood. It turns out that Amywiel is a member as well. I've also met Cati again, who is a little intimidating. She is friendly with me now, however. I've also spoken with Salina Marshall; she has taken over the CDL while Greyward is away and busy. We're looking into new uniforms. You can send her some ideas I bet.

There's something else. I'm hesitant to tell you because it's very uncomfortable, but you deserve to know and I want to talk about it with someone I trust. I'm in a relationship of my own now, with both Shauna and Kata. They are the sisters who began this organization I've joined. It is very uncomfortable at times, considering the nature of the relationship, but I'm quite happy with both of them.

I hope to hear back from you soon. I'm sorry if any of this bothers you.



*several ink blotches are here as if the parchment was tapped several times for a long time in thought, and is simply blank, left on the bar, which is mistakenly delivered*