I know this is a somewhat random letter, but the strangest thought has occurred to me that might be of interest to you, and the Steady Hand. I'll attempt to keep this brief.
I have heard rumors for some time now of a disease that is sweeping through the lizardmen not terribly far from Sanctuary. I have no idea the details of anything here- population, perentage afflicted, or even the very nature of the illness, much less its source.
But, if we could somehow form a devoted team of medical practitioners to act as missionaries, the benefits would be astounding. The lizardmen have some knowledge of reliable healing materials, not unsimilar to what we both commonly use for standard cuts, scrapes, and lacerations. With the debt of the lizardmen, fair trade could be established for the Hand to be largely self-sufficient by providing these materials to adventurers and commoners at much better prices than is currently available through the merchants.
It would be somewhat dangerous, very risky, but the benefit would be tremendous. Hopefully I'll have some spare time soon to act as an diplomat to the lizardpeople to see if they would be willing to hold up a fair bargain. Are you interested in this at all, or do you have any thoughts or questions about this? Hopefully I can talk with you soon.
Counc. Genevis Ward Physician Exec. Dir. of The Commonwealth Councilor of Sanctuary