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letter to Agent Delgado

Agent Delgado,

Recently I came across a group of what appeared to be spellguard associates battling with and elf. I proceeded to aid them in the fight (being assured that they were fighting a drow), only to see both sides retreat. The drow proceeded to return, and nearly kill me, but the spellguard were nowhere to be seen. I have three questions: Firstly, how in all the planes of hell did a drow manage to infiltrate the sewers of Sanctuary? Secondly, why did the spellguard retreat rather than pursue the drow? Lastly, what steps are the spellguard taking to ensure that nothing like this happens again? Please reply to me at the rock bottom tavern with answers to these sincere questions, as I believe I have the right to know.


p.s. I am assuming that you were the right person to contact in these circumstances?

Reply: [Personal Correspondence, Susanna] 5th day of Alturiak in the year 151 Operative Delgado

    I am indeed the correct individual to answer these questions. I would like to state that the Associates were assaulted on a rutine investigation of the sewers, by drow, and were forced to retreat after one of them was severely wounded. If you believe you are better equipped to deal with dangerous drow than the specially trained Spellguard Associates then I ask you to present yourself to the Spellguard Tower and part with your immense knowledge and expertise in order to aid Sanctuary in it's constant struggle against such rogue elements as the drow are. The precise way the drow infiltrated Sanctuary is unknown but they are here and are a threat. The Spellguard is investigating the matter to our best capabilities but due to our sever work load and lack of increased budget from the Council, it is increasingly difficult to deal with such matters. If you feel capable of assisting with such matters then I ask that you speak with other citizens of Sanctuary and make sure that both you and them voice your concerns to the Council and make sure that the Spellguard budget is increased in order for us to properly handle situations such as this.

    With regards,

    *signed* Operative Delgado

*the letter is forwarded to the Associates*

[personal letter]

Greetings Susanna,

I gather from your letter you were the female bystander during the incident. First of all you did not lift a finger to aid us; you didn't even oblige when Meriam asked you to get help. You stood around for the better part of an hour watching the elf and I exchange blows even after being told it was a drow. "I proceeded to aid them in the fight," what a blatent lie. Secondly, I pursued the elf when he ran away, downed a haste potion but he did something with his cloak to match my speed, so I came back to carry out Kayne and the goblin's corpse. Unfortunately the elf chose not to flee earlier to save his goblin companion. Thirdly I took a vow to protect cowardly, self-serving citizens such as yourself from such threats, and would not have let the elf assault you if I had seen it happen which is more than you can say in our case. I had to carry out two bodies. What were you doing? Saying, and I quote, "so, did the drow escape then?" And gawking some more.

After I left the drow must have come for you. Perhaps you were expecting mercy for your neutrality in the matter. Perhaps you already brokered a deal with him. I find it less than likely he spared your life without giving some conditions.

Lying to a Spellguard Operative is a serious crime at the least; you did not aid us in the fight at all. Standing there doing nothing when a fellow citizen (Meriam) asks you to go get help, could be considered reckless endangerment of little innocent Meriam and Sanctuary at large. However I am not without leniency; Operative Delgado does not know of your transgressions yet nor does he need to. This all will be considered a simple misunderstanding if you never mention or allude to the artifact, the figurine you saw the drow use, to anyone outside of the Spellguard.

Associate Coronado Devir

Associate Coronado Devir,

I assure you, after I was told that the elf in question was a drow I did proceed to aid you in the fight. I have no intention of spreading things that may be against the spellguard, despite what some of you may think. And by the way, the drow in question was hunting me for quite some time after the incident, although why he has stopped now escapes me - if I were asked I would be more than willing to aid you in tracking him down. And furthermore, I do not recall saying 'did the drow escape' at any point.
