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Package Left at the Rare Book Shop

*this is a thick leather book with a note tied around the cover. The note reads as follows*


This book is nothing less then a work of pure genious. Feel free to print and sell as many copies as you'd like. I ask only that you put aside 97.5% of the profits of its sale so that I might be able to buy more drinks. The other 2.5% you are free to spend as you wish.

-Infinite Abyss

*The cover of the book reads "Ten Steps To Enlightenment". When opened, there is a dedication that reads as follows*

For Mishkin, whose great ideas I have stolen and put into this book. Rot in hell old friend.

*Forward, by the author*

What you hold in your hands right now is a work of masterful genious and creativity. Aptly named, "Ten Steps to Enlightnement", I personally garuntee that if the measures in this book are taken, the boundries that are your body and soul will dissipate into nothing. Only then will you discover that all that is and ever has been was within you all along.

You are asking yourself, "How is it that I came upon such great a fountain of truth? Is this some gift from the gods?" The answer is no. In fact, once the steps are completed you will actually discover that there is no god but yourself. You will learn that the rules and laws of time and space and structure are mere illusions, but I am getting ahead of myself here.

This book was created by myself and a close friend of mine by the name of Mishkin. Together, we researched into the histories of the arcane, the divine, of art and society. We researched politics and law and all that lay between these things, drawing patters from there circular natures.

Conclusions, conclusions, this book is about them. I would be lying if I said that Mishkin and I reached the same conclusions, but you need not worry about that. What is true, is that though his book, "12 Steps To Enlightenment," has a full two steps more then my own, these extra steps do nothing more then make his work a more time consuming a process. I have stripped it down to the ten essential steps and once again garuntee that this book will leave you as enlightened as his. What is also true is that, besides the titles, the two books are, in fact, exactly the same.

Enough of this though, I am certain that by now you want to get to it. I only ask that you use the knowledge contained within for whatever purpose you wish and that you reccomend it to others, so that I might make a profit.

-Infinite Abyss

Step 1

Throw this book into the trash. Await further instructions.

*The rest of the pages are blank. On the back cover of the book is a beautyfully drawn portrait of the author along with this caption*

Abyss currently lives in Sanctuary, a small city located in the underdark region of Toril. His written works as well as his paintings and philosophies are the most reknowned ever within the illusionary world of his mind, trapped both in time and space.