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Passage of Time

Out of Character

Time will progress on the server as it does in real life. Days will begin at 12:00am EST (-5 GMT) and end at 11:59pm EST.

In Character

The common calendar used in the setting will be that of Harptos. The following link explains a bit about this particular calendar and includes a small tool players might find useful in determining what the exact date is in game:

Forgotten Realms Calendar Tool

Starting Date

The first day of play on the server was November 3rd, 2005 and will be considered Shieldmeet of 1372 in game.

Finding out the current date:

There's a calendar posting in-game, outside the Office of the Herald door in Town Hall, where you can check the current game date. This date is also given to you when you first log in, in the combat log chat panel. If you're not in-game, you can type !date in #efu (the IRC room on DarkMyst).