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Spawn Point: Pissing Crone

I set my spawn point to the Pissing Crone. Upon server reset I reloged into the OOC start area 8) .

Err ... I seem to not be able to rember to log in to. Anyone have an extra brain handy?

Yup, the spawnpoints seem not to work yet, the Rock Bottom didn't either.

Did you actually start in the OOC Start Area, or did you arrive and quickly end up being teleported to the Town Hall?

At least I loaded in the OOC start area, and had to manually teleport into the hall after the reset.

EDIT: Figured I should mention that I had set my spawn point to the Rock Bottom.

Not having any set spawn point also made me spawn in the OOC start area. Maybe it should be set to the Town Hall by default? :)

Spawn System is not working correctly after server resets: this causes problems both for our general spawn (which indeed is what PCs are set to after leaving the OOC area), as well as death system.

Spawn points, and spawn point overrides (for jailing) should be working properly now. Please inform us if they aren't.

(The exception being for characters who don't have character tokens yet; you folks get dropped off in the OOC Welcome area when you log on, while the various scripts move information from the database over to your character token. Just log out and log in again.)