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city slicker druids

After seeing some very good RP from a city-hating hermit droud and his faithful sidekick, I'm extremely disappointed at the lack of "druidness" that the vast majority of druids on the server show.

Would it be very difficult to parse the logs for time spent per sector type (OK, there's no wilderness type, but any map that isn't in the city) - thus showing the DMs at a glance which druids are spending little or no time out in the wilds?

At low levels it is understandable, but as a druid progresses in levels, increasing amounts of time should be spent away from the city and ... well.. doing whatever it is that druids do.

Either that, or pick out an extreme case and smack him with the spell failure wand till he's regained contact with ole mother nature. That should get the message in short order.

There is life and ecology and nature in the city as well. Druids who spent most their time there should just be encouraged to roleplay it.

I admit, I don't like most of druids sitting in town, since they don't RP it at all. I know few although, who do play it and they play it very well. I enjoy it and I encourage it. Find a reason why would your druid hang in town. It'll make it much more interesting.


Would it be very difficult to parse the logs for time spent per sector type

Just to let you know, this is difficult and non-trivial.

A scripted solution for this isn't really plausible.

Some people are just new to role-playing, and trying to learn. I've seen some veteran druids taking new druids under their wing, and to my mind that's the prefered solution.

Otherwise, as with everything, DM's will apply spell failure in egregious situations but otherwise focus on spinning fun plots for the well role-played druid characters.

Indeed. Like I've said to few others, if someone wishes to do something, just look me up IG ( I'll hang around in the mines and such every once in a while ), or send a tell to Adrian Daubernon. I'll be happy to chat and talk about stuff.

Paha Poika Indeed. Like I've said to few others, if someone wishes to do something, just look me up IG ( I'll hang around in the mines and such every once in a while ), or send a tell to Adrian Daubernon. I'll be happy to chat and talk about stuff.

I second this - If you need a nature chum to hang around with, and can't find Paha, just send me a tell instead (Thomas Wayhart), and we'll surely work something out.

This is not a solo PW and unless you have a group of regulars to play with, it is necessary to gravitate around town to get needed supplies and other PCs to cope. I think rangers and druids are realistically at a disadvantage in this environment, and they need to act accordingly.

Adaptation is important here and maybe a Neutral (even-minded) character is best designed to respond well to the given adaptive stress. These characters will need to find creative ways of dealing with this environment and relying on others a bit more. I imagine a pretty challenging RP.

[quote="Bindragon"]This is not a solo PW and unless you have a group of regulars to play with, it is necessary to gravitate around town to get needed supplies and other PCs to cope. I think rangers and druids are realistically at a disadvantage in this environment, and they need to act accordingly.

Definately the case, especially for the low levels, but there -are- shops specifically for druids and rangers that are outside the city which opens the door to a home away from sanctuary.

ExileStrife Definately the case, especially for the low levels, but there -are- shops specifically for druids and rangers that are outside the city which opens the door to a home away from sanctuary.
I was made aware of that recently and that's pretty cool. But I still wonder if you'll too often find yourself the only one respawning there, and be short of numbers to really explore the area or have enough to do remote quests.

My non-ranger/druid character is only now getting to a level where he can branch out with a bit more comfort...so I really don't know what treats are out there that only 1 or 2 characters can handle. I am assuming not many.

One interesting way to work with this is to consider what Sanctuary really is: an anomaly in the entire underdark. Is it a necessary evil, or a blight that needs to be removed? In either case a druid has to interact with it from time to time. Its long been my desire to see more druids out here and to organize them. Look up the guys in this thread if you want to get involved in stuff and find more reasons to leave town.


My non-ranger/druid character is only now getting to a level where he can branch out with a bit more comfort...so I really don't know what treats are out there that only 1 or 2 characters can handle. I am assuming not many.

I and Paha have been around to most outdoor areas in the module (or, so we'd like to think), and the key word is stealth. (And, additionally, invisibility potions, for when the shit hits the fan :).) If you have to fight past everything, you won't get very far, sadly (even though you can generally handle tougher things than you think). So if you want to explore the outdoors, invest in the hide n' sneak skills; It will pay off handsomely.

As for the "wilderness people can't interact" issue, I'm happy to be able to say that it's perfectly possible. Our characters generally view the citizens of Sanctuary as ignorant fools, and Sanctuary itself a nest of all kinds of weaknesses and corruption. One might think that this would prevent us from interacting much with them. Wrong. In fact, it's grand! The entire city, and most of the player base, actually works as a massive opposing faction - We have tons of intrigue, conflict and interaction possibilities, and are seldom at a lack of things to do. In our quest to govern nature and protect it from the "foolish city dwellers", I feel that I have reached a state of interaction that I seldom did when playing my previous goodie-goodie city people. Sure - You might not get to hang around in the Rock Bottom chatting with your chatbuddies all the time, but I feel I have done that enough to last me a while, and this kind of active interaction is much funnier, anyway.

So give it a try, 'tis fun!

Tis tough for druids though, they will have to multiclass if they want that stealth

No they don't. I am pure druid, and I have traveled with Wrex about all around. I have maybe put max +2 to hide and ms with cross-class skillpoints, but no more.

Tristan Tis tough for druids though, they will have to multiclass if they want that stealth
Not really at all. Between Camouflage (level 1 spell, +10 Hide) and One With the Land (level 2 spell, +4 Hide/MS), they gain quite respectable values. Add a certain Wildshape and they can, without a single cross-class skill point spent, surpass even maxed out rogues at sneaking around. And even without shapeshifting, they can be really good sneaks with a bit of dex, or some cross-class points into Move Silently.