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Michael's Angels

Michael is so hawt, he has his own bodyguard... 8)

What can I say - Guilty as charged.

He'll need them :twisted:

WOW....... :? i cant believe i used to think Kata and Shauna were cool.. :P

They're still cool. This is just their day job! 8)

There is no such thing as a "day job" within the Spellguard. We received your soul giftwrapped when you signed the Associate contract, your life is now entwined with the Spellguard Associate Program and there is nothing else!

That's why Kata can't take the armor off any more... :P

Cool - by Day Soulfull Spellguard Associates by night Souless wenches looking for a night on the town - I like it!!!! 8)

Who are you calling a wench! Hmph. :P