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*a letter left with the herold for the councilers*

i have been informed that the tigereyes hold some keys that do not belong to them, these keys are made by us for us and remain our property, we would like it if you would inquire into the return of the keys as we are not on good terms with the tigereye mercenary company.

Thane Runehammer of the Stoutheart dwarves of Tornbeard hall

Thane Runehammer,

If you believe that the Tigereyes are in unlawful possession of these keys, I recommend that you first petition the Tigereyes directly for their return, and if they refuse, take the matter to the Watch as one of theft and unlawful possession. Only after all that is done, and if the Watch deems the evidence sufficient and the Tigereye Company still refuses to comply, is this a matter that I feel the Council should address directly.

- Councilor Adelia Tyrell