Okay, i'm a bit worried about writing this thread, because i don't like the notion of an A-B-C being made on how to play your player - it's YOUR character, and no one has the right to tell you that you're playing it 'wrongly'. Some people just like questing casually. That said...
This is a simple set of opinions that i personally have on how to get the most out of playing the module. There's no 'hard and fast' guidelines within. This doesn't necessarily reflect the opinion of any of the other administrators, it's just my own, and take or leave the advice as you will. Okay, first, about yourself as a player, and what you can do. Player plots
First things first : Get a faction if you can. Either join yourself into one of the DM factions, create a new one of your own with it's own forum as a rival/seperate entity, or join one of the offshoots. For one, you'll instantly have some connections you can use for information, or even simply some buddies to quest with when all's quiet on the Western front, and for two, DM's are a lot more likely to collar you to further something of their own design if you're with an organisation.
Second : If you have an idea for something you think your character should be doing that requires DM loving (E.G. your Talonite wants to poison a lake, your Ilmaterian wants to distribute his wealth among the poor in lower, or ~whatever~) then please, please send us a DM message. If we're busy, we might say wait five minutes (or longer), but in general, we'll eventually get to what you want doing. The main exception, (well, for me personally), is when you're trying to utilize a specific NPC for some random information, because i find that works better in a letter. All the other DM's can see it, and that helps no end as a reference. Also, it's hard to remember how Sergeant Bonnybriggs is supposed to talk and act, and adjust your roleplay accordingly, so you might end up getting a schizophrenic NPC! Also, i mislike changing the NPC's on quests, because you can redo the quest again, and the lizardqueen won't remember that she'd brokered a deal with you last time you did the quest.
Third : If you have something MAJOR you want to do with your group, I.E. will affect the server (for instance, blowing up a building) best to let us know about your plans well in advance. Your only limit is honestly your imagination. No one is going to punish you for being creative. There's an infinite number of things you can do to change our world. Feel free to try. The disclaimer on this is, of course, everything depends on the DM's opinion and whether they think it's a realistic goal. If you're determined enough, believe me, you'll get a shot, though. Budding level 2 gnomelichs take note.
I'll think of a fourth point soon enough. DM PLOTS
Two simple things because i think it's all really common sense. If something OUT OF THE ORDINARY drops on a DM run quest, it's blatantly a hook. You find some note with weird writing on it? Okay, it doesn't make any sense now, but it was there for a reason.
And also, ask the DM involved oocly if somethings happening with it, if they say yes, then ask around. Gotta stop writing here.