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With the death of my newly created alt char seeimingly imminent, I'm considering a few options. One of these is creating a cleric of Urdlen. Anyone have any useful canon material and/or personal experience with which they can shell out for me? The idea sounds fun, but I dont see how the char can be played true to the dogma of Urdlen and still survive. Any help is appreciated.


You can play a Urdlenite, I used to play one, lasted about.. 3 weeks, You just have to play secretly... more secret then I did, I held afew ceremonies aswell, there really fun characters!

Rigth Urdlen clerics. First of all discard this "OMG TEH CRAZY" stuff you make think whe you think urdlen. A cleric of urdlen is generally alot more cunning than the followers. They are cruel and enjoy all things which involve destruction. With the noticable exception of themself. Although many will claim openly they would'nt mind being destroyed thats merely to bolster and encorouge bloodlust.

Also don't go ahead and assume you have to be a melee claw and rip cleric neither. My cleric was more into making warriors beastily creatures and pointing to weaker foes and watching as they evicerate and splatter there blood all over the place at your command.

Urdlen worshippers are very secretive, although while below ground they don't really need to be however they prefer to avoid actually saying it. For example if a non gnome asked my cleric he would reply: "That is not fro you to know human, his name is sacred to us gnomes to say it would be sacralige"

I have an idea for an Urdlen Prelude. I was actually hoping till my current gnome dies. But I suppose I could make the character play through the prelude and then stow the character away until I'm ready to use him (or play him as a secondary character of sorts)

All of these are my opinions but I REALLY LOVE URDLEN he is my snookums! Him and my cleric played with a Skull in his home plane ig!

If you really would be interested in an urdlen prelude. Just say and I'll work on posting the details of the actual prelude and hopefully we can get a dm to run it.


Oh and as for surviving thats not too difficult. My urdlen cleric got to level 7. Only reason he died is his minion fully buffed had to log right before they were to attempt to hinder the efforts of certain paladins intering with a gnomish cult of urdlen in the mines. Can anyone smite rape?

Anyway to elaborate a bit. You can EASILY gather minions as an Urdlen cleric. When they hnotice they are practical invincible killing machines while your around and you prolong there existance only so that they may destroy more as you secretly pledge all the destruction they yeild to Urdlen.

Infact when my priest died I got tons of tells from evil people asking for me to revive him since "We never get to do anything anymore." Some Moderate charisma is a must I'd reccomend 12+ so that you can lead people.

This is my personal experience mind you. I do however work from the Urdlen info posted on the forums. You gotta remember all of the dogma's are open to individual interpretation. Oh and just being acleric does'nt mean you have to be a priest. Infact I'd be willing to play a priest for the Prelude while you would play an acolyte (both get spells one is just more experienced in the ways of urdlen than the other) I could teach you things about urdlen etc ic'ly as you go. Although it would be a secondary character! Until all the plots are wraped up and Zantern is dead,

Yeh, Praet has some things going IC, I'd rather wait until his fate is sealed before I move on. Of course, we could do the prelude, and then shelve the characters for a while. Anyone else interested in this?

Naga....are non-gnomish Urdlen followers a possibility, or are they unsanctified?

*edit* I meant as a cleric could I convert non-gnomish minions?

Try getting the PDF of Faiths and Pantheons. You really only need the information included there, and some of what Naga wrote.

A note is that a worshipper of Urdlen might be cunning and wise, but without a bit of insanity or something to hint at his madness and bloodlust, he cannot be a full-fledged Urdlenite. Urdlen himself is more of the crazing raging creature, by what many gnomes tell to their children as a bed-time story.

Blood, violence and uncontrollable rage. However, to survive, they sometimes need to hide it. Notice they don't have to like it, and this by itself might make them burst and kill everything around. :)

A non-gnomish urdlenite has as much chance of existing as a good drow. Since most urdlenites will kill other races or lead them to their destruction. Even if raised by gnomes(another minute possibility at best) that still makes the chances extremly narrow.

So to summerize 99% sure non gnomish urdlen worshippers would'nt exist. Non gnomes just don't have the same outlook on life as gnomes and even at that urdlen gnomes have a stranger more twisted version of gnomish life. The races are just too different, its not in the actual dogma but the rituals urdlenites preform that just would'nt suit humans, elves or any race other tha gnomes. They just would'nt understand the true meaning (and thus get sacraficed themselves most likely)

<---Edit --> Oh and on snowy's comment. I disagree with the insanity part. Blood lust yes. But not insanity. My gnome was far from insane. He would get extremly pissed off to a point where he'd be screaming death threats and attacking like a lunatic. But there's a certain cold and calculating feeling to an urdlen cleric.

Although there motives are always to spill blood spread hate and destroy all living things. They do it in such a way that they manage to survive and maintain secrecy. Causing war. Encorouging and aiding in blood shed for any race. All things which require much thought and much cunning.

However non-clerical followers are usually pretty zealous. Only thing you have to do is cause destruction. Everything you do should lead to some form of destruction. Revel in the destruction enjoy it and you will incite hatred.

Infact my cleric of urdlen spent alot of his time pissing off a certain cleric of Ilmater by using necromancy while it was legal. Offering people free undead slaves and such. Or offering adonation to the poor and telling him he got it by using undead to slay trogs and steal there treasure. (knowing ofcours ethta he would'nt take it)

A good cleric of urdlen is capable of creating hatred, blood lust and destruction in others and sometimes him/herself IMHO.

If anybody has any qeustions about gnomes. Including "How the hell is it possible to survive with a melee character with that -2 str thing hanging over your head?!" Or any qeustion regarding gnomes and how to roleplay them please feel free to PM me.

I LOVE gnomes and would absolutly love to see more of them. I'd hate to see little things like being worried about stats (which are'nt as bad as they seem when put in action you may find) or just not knowing much about the race stopping people from trying them out.

After my first Gnome I just could'nt stop playing em.

Cheers for the help. Sounds awesome. My next character is going to be a cleric of Urdlen.

Right, Praet is dead, and now everyone else soon will be. Go Urdlen!

>>Naga, if you want to do a prelude, then I'm up for it. I'll simply create the char now and let him sit in the welcome room until I hear back. Shoot me a PM.

you up for a urdlen duo madcaddies im thinking of starting an CE gnomish fighter any way.

For sure Gruff.

I'm in as well, been wanting to try out a ranged fighter blueprint I have been cooking up over the last few days.

Just a tiny note, Naga. The insanity part is mainly due to the madness and rage stinging in Urdlen's heart, to consume and kill. While a gnome might seem perfectly refined and self-containted, a true Urdlenite is always consumed by the same will of his god: to kill, to destroy, oblitirate, annahilate and decimate every bit of society and life.

Another interesting thing to remember is that many cults exist, and each of them worships Urdlen as they percieve him. That's the same for many gods, although with Urdlen they could easy find the common ground of bashing the living cheese out of gnomish enemies, and perhaps gnomes themselves.

As for the prelude - Good luck if you're planning one. But remember that a group based on a Chaotic Evil deity will be fickle, unstable and dangerously hard to keep secret. :)

There will be much death.

Urdlen will be pleased. :wink:

Snowy Just a tiny note, Naga. The insanity part is mainly due to the madness and rage stinging in Urdlen's heart, to consume and kill. While a gnome might seem perfectly refined and self-containted, a true Urdlenite is always consumed by the same will of his god: to kill, to destroy, oblitirate, annahilate and decimate every bit of society and life.
Followers do not necessarily have to be the same as their Deity. Perhaps they just like different aspects.

So no, not Urdlenites have to be insane, filled with a need to kill, destroy, decimate, obliterate, annihalite and so forth.

Perhaps they like moles, and follow him for that.


Was that the front or back of it? 8)

...It can be both, actually. Is it his snout, or his penar. Only Urdlen can tell with his majestic powers.