2006-05-10 06:03:54 UTC
The Initial Encounter and on lookers
The Outcome and on lookers
There was a confrontation in the Rock Bottom bewteen Delvak and Irula that escalated over a period of time and ended up in a big fight adn Delvak shackled.
Anyone who was there able to give a better commentary - I missed a lot of it.
2006-05-10 08:33:37 UTC
Its been worked out with DM assistance that the OOC aspect of the incident warrants it being forgotten IC.
2006-05-10 09:26:50 UTC
Which is a shame as it looks real interesting from the screen shots and the scuttlebutt I've picked up. 8)
2006-05-10 10:31:21 UTC
Oh, it was very fun. One of those relatively rare but extremely annoying situations where an OOC element wrecks the fun of what would have been IC an excellent event.
2006-05-10 11:20:43 UTC
AFAIK, there was actually several OOC issues involved in this episode. I think it was decided that the incident in the first screenshot still happened (where Delvak knocked out Irulan), but the events taking place just before the second screenshot (where Delvak was assaulted and shackled) were regarded as too complicated OOC to be sorted out and thus "never jappened".
Oh, and Edgar is in the first screenshot (and behind the pillar in the second)! :D