2006-05-09 01:59:52 UTC
My sound card is acting up, I'm taking in the comp to get it checked out, hopefully fixed. I don't have any idea how long I'll be gone, but I'll be back ASAP and I'll try to jump in the forums if I can. I can't imagine I'll be gone over two days, so it shouldn't be a problem...
anyways, see you kiddos soon
2006-05-13 04:54:38 UTC
Hard Drive went bad. Bought a new one, stress test failed again, so something else is wrong too.
What a terribly time to lose my computer! Ahh well, hopefully I'll be back in motion in another few days. And I'm really sorry to a few people in particular I know I'm letting down with my absence, please forgive me.
Keep it real EfU, be back soon.
2006-05-13 08:45:33 UTC
Now all our PC Councillors are down and out for the moment?
Join me in my rebellion!
2006-05-14 19:40:36 UTC
Gaeseric will pwn you. End of rebellion.