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Pyotr Ignatiev [Lots of screenshots, beware]

A couple of screenies from the life and times of Pyotr Ignatiev.

The Prince holding Court in the Montezzi Fortress:

House Montezzi attracted a few not-so-bright people:

Thankfully, we had people around to school them:

A few other choice screenies from the awesome Montezzi era; that faction was just amazing, kudos to all involved. The PvP and fighting was just one layer of the Montezzi fabric, and usually the least important. Intrigue galore:

The main benefit of having a spy network was knowing in advance when people were coming to crush you:

Lying to a dragon's face:

The Prince addressing the people after his peaceful conquest of the Canal Ward:

Team Montezzi in action:

Alright, now for post-Montezzi stuff in roughly chronological order...

Convincing others that Etorix was Mask:

Mediating as a 'neutral third party'...

Waxing philosophical with Ghyrrt before a hit:

Recruiting badly-needed allies, which I was always short on after Montezzi (for some reason...)

So short on allies, I had to lose a few enemies:

Playing one side:

And two mins later, the other:

One of the best DM events I've seen:

Ironing out details of service with Pyotr's third and final master, the Spellguard:

I spent more hours than I care to admit just spying on people, learning a bit here and there. The trick was stringing the tidbits together:

Tricked into a chance at glory:

Working the older dude angle with the smoking hot young Seeker chick:

A moment of overconfidence, and the result:

The end.

Thanks for everyone who contributed to his story, friends and foes alike. Hopefully you all enjoyed his scheming.

My goodness, my goodness. What an opponent he has been. And, in a strange way, an ally at times (although... nah, not really).

For a sneaky SOB, he was one BAMF. Amazing character.

Awesome character! Great stuff, Flamin' Pete.

One of the best characters we've had grace EfU for a long while. I heartily look forward to the next.

It was always a pleasure interacting with him.


I had much love for Pyotr.

Such a deliciously evil character! Awesome job!

At least two of my characters hated Pyotr so I think that means mission accomplished...

Pyotr Ignatiev was an excellent villain: smarmy, manipulative, cunning, treacherous and to some extent - ruthless. Well played, I really liked him.

Although, I am glad that Kedrick got the honors of doing him in - and Dentra got to be there, as well! They kinda had a rivalry going on back from the days when he was a servant of Montezzi, and it only grew with time.

I'm just sorry the death was kinda... flat and blah. If I had time to plan it in advance and hadn't been up all night working on the (SPOILER) it probably would have been better. I really didn't know what to say or do. He just kinda showed up and was there at a very inconvenient time. :P

But anyway, kudos on a well played character.

Amazing character, amazing plotting! :D

Pyotr was an amazing character and I'm glad I got to work with him on Duskwalker, even though our playtimes unfortunately were so different, limiting our interactions. Still, Pyotr was just the character I needed as a contact fro Duskwalker, and I am personally amazed by all that you accomplished with him, much of what I couldn't even dream about doing with Duskwalker. While I was busy attempting petty deals with Cyrus you had Pyotr working with Etorix. >_>

Well done, Flamin' Pete!

well done great character, enjoyed the (albeit) brief RP'ing with you as Doisur

for what its worth, i thought he was a mysterious character. I think I only ever ran into him once with my character, still its good to hear he was a side-changing little bastard!

While I will NEVER forgive Pyotor's hit orders, but that's EfU for ya, and I'm over it now.

The Moral Of Pytor Ignative: When things go bad, switch sides.

Awsome character, I just wish I managed to get a better crack at his spy network as Danger, I actually enjoyed our compitition over intelegence network ops, obviously I was outschooled, but in the end, I swear he had half the player base as a member of your spy network! Nice work on that!

I loved to hate Pyotr. :)

As Pyotr said to Othur one time, " If we weren't told to be enemies, I'm certain we would be good friends. "

Well played, and thank you for offering Othur a more appropriate death then that of the stones.

Wow! I wondered when Pyotr would fall. It was really awesome interacting with you as Micky Stones.

Etorix isn't Mask!?!? LOL, so cunning.

It was a lot of fun playing both sides with Pyotr, have fun with your next character! Cheers!


haha. i knew it! anyhow, it was awesome RPing as Izzy with you dude. I really do look forward to your next char.

Too bad. The last remains of House Montezzi are GONE.

Ghyrrt and Pyotr were BFF's.

Ignatiev tries to roleplay while being drunk, half asleep, and engaging in massive PvP.


Wilks is still around. The somewhat mysterious steward.

Wow..I thought Pytor would escape and get a statue for sure. Every sinlge character I have played for the past several months, since Montezzi came around, has been affected and effected by Pytor..that is one influential PC. Well done!

Pyotr was great character.


Svkast and Pyotr BFFs always. :(

Noooo! :cry: Dammit, this is what I get for getting sucked into my summer job and now into college. I never have any time for EfU anymore, and after Montezzi, Pyotr was the last PC Snake had a personal connection with. I'm sad I never got to tell him the truth about Snake. I was looking forward to that RP.

Unless I'm mistaken, I think I'm the last Montezzi left...dang...

Such a sweet character! Awesome.

Tyrael ...Unless I'm mistaken, I think I'm the last Montezzi left...dang...

No, there is one other.