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The Order of Endless Opposition

Well, This is an idea Ive had rattling around in my head about how I had originally seen True Neutral as a philosophy.

The Order of Endless Opposition is a group active in Thay, believing that the only path to inner perfection is by forcing the world into a Balanced and 'perfect' state. They have only two real rules:

- Permanent, perfect Balance is impossible. - It is the Job of any person to act as an opposite to the current state to attempt to bring the universe a little closer to the impossible.

A near anarchic sect, they do have loose ranks, but they rule more closely by shared Ideals then a set leadership. This said, the faction does have leaders, called balance callers, who are determined by a history of action, not election.

The Order essentially will always be on the losing team. If the server has a lot of good characters, they will commit acts of unspeakable evil, necromancy, child murder, etc. If the server has a lot of evil characters, they will become practically paladins. If the server has strong law, they will be Rebels, if it is chaotic, they might even become watchmen.

They, operating in Thay, often find themselves captured and enslaved. A fairly large group has just been sold to the drow, and they are slowly escaping and finding their way to sanctuary.

This will be a somewhat loose faction with loads of internal conflict, but some goals on the server as it is right now might include:

-Fight for a Headquarters, Possibly the New Dunwarren area. -Fight for Chaos and Good, as the server is pretty Lawful Evil right now. -Fight for lower

Bu, of course, the faction being how it is, each characters goals might be slightly different.

A this is designed to be a way to get IG with allies while still having almost complete freedom with your character. All classes would likely fit (although paladins, in times of good, would likely be expelled from the order- and Druids, in times of good, probably would get spellfailure from working with Necromancers) and all alignments will fit, although if your going for Balance caller, TN plz.

Just roll the character whenever you want, as it is a slow one-by-one escape, not a mass-escape.

C'ya IG!