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For Sale

[The following notice is left up at the Last Stand]

I am selling the following items:

* Underdark Padded Armor ((Padded Armor, +1 vs Animal, +1 vs Elf, +1 vs Goblinoid, +1 vs Vermin, Darkvision, Discipline +1, Hide +1))

* Sharpened Axe ((Handaxe, +1 Piercing Damage))

* Grimy Goblin Hunter's Axe ((Handaxe, +1 vs Animal, +1 vs Magical Beast, Massive Criticals +d10))

* Defensive Spear ((Spear, +1 AC, Massive Criticals +1))

* Stinky Amulet ((+1 Saves vs Disease))

* Svirfneblin Go-Go Boots ((Move Silently +1, Tumble +1, Expeditious Retreat x5))

* Improved Duergar Butcher's Ring ((+1 AC, +2 AC vs Animal, CHA -1, several skill penalties, red light source))

* Slimy Ring ((Saves vs Acid +1, Saves vs Disease +1, Summon Creature I single use))

* Magical Bolts! x5 ((+1 Bolts))

* Dwarf Hunting Bolts. Ideal for fighting duergar with a crossbow. ((+d4 damage vs Dwarf))

* Scroll of Color Spray

* Average Tangle Trap x4

Inquire with Beregon Hrafn by leaving me a message or finding me in person. ((Use PM's to avoid forum clutter if you don't find me IG))