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Letter to Sheriff Valsre Delorme at the Watch House


Congratulations both on your well earned victory over the Spellguard oppression, and your equally well earned position as Sheriff of our Watch. As a citizen of Sanctuary for almost a full year, I am very grateful to see our defenders in such good hands.

My name is Frances Allegretti, and I am a Priestess in service to Lurue, the Unicorn Goddess. Since I arrived in Sanctuary, I've done my best to work with the law enforcement agencies of the city. I made sure they had enough supplies to get them through their difficult and dire tasks, and I've helped more directly as a healer on various excursions. With the new and trustworthy leadership that has taken charge of the Watch, I feel very comfortable in offering my aid more directly. That is to say, I would like to join your ranks.

To be a Watchman isn't my calling, but I have talents to offer to the defense of Sanctuary and that's what matters. I am aware that there is more to the Watch than simple combat ability, and that is not to say I'm a pushover in my own right. I am capable of making decisions quickly and calmly, and I pride myself on being fair and level-headed in matters of mediation. I have specialized skills as a healer, both divinely gifted and mundane, and I have been divinely gifted with powerful conjuration and enchantment magics that I'm confident will allow me to protect citizens of Sanctuary in dire situations.

Previously, I was employed as a Steward at the School of War, where I hosted large scale events and taught lessons on divine magic. I have worked with Lieutenant Keel and Sergeant Vladimir both during and after the rebellion, and I believe I have been given their recommendations.

I ask that you not allow my position as a Priestess of the Unicorn Queen to affect your consideration of my request. My intention is to serve Sanctuary with all the might I can muster, for it is Her will and my own. If you allow me to join your organization, I will be able to provide a renewable supply of healing potions and wands to the Watch, in order to restock what was lost during the rebellion. Besides which, I will be more than capable of fulfilling any duties that you may deem necessary.

During this time of difficulty, please allow me to do my part.

-Frances Allegretti, Sanctuary Church of Lurue Last Stand Inn

Miss Allegretti,

Your offer is appreciated. I am not a man to mince words, however. You've no place on the field of battle.

Your services, and aid, are accepted with as much thanks as I can give, which I assure you is a considerable amount. However, you're simply not a Watchman. You are a Priestess. Be a Priestess. That is all we ask. Keep my boys well healed, and in good spirits, and you shall be doing your duty.

-Sheriff Delorme