2006-05-08 17:37:29 UTC
Sir, I'd like to know if Tornbeard Hall in the Grunstubble Mines falls under the jurisdiction of the City Watch as it is outside the gates.
If it is, I'd like to report a robbery at Tornbeard Hall and request that you investigate. There was a club that spit acid, a light flail that could cast a spell that made your skin like the bark of a tree, and a helm that helped the wearer convince others of tall tales.
If areas in the mines are outside Watch jurisdiction, I'd like to know whether Clan Property and Clan Ground can be defended and protected as we see fit.
Also, does the Tigereye jurisdiction extend into the mines?
Thank you,
Craddoc Strongaxe
Alaghor of Clan Stoutheart
Tornbeard Hall
2006-05-08 20:52:55 UTC
Scowling, Sergeant Durris collects the letter addressed to him. Taking a brief moment to scratch his first name off the address of the letter and to scribe "Sergeant" in its place, he tears part of a page out of a nearby outdated copy of the Lawbook, and slides it in with a short message
Sanctuary Lawbook
(1) Any crime that occurs in which a citizen of Sanctuary is victimized may be prosecuted, regardless of the location in which this crime occured.
- (a) Officers are reminded that their foremost duty is to protect Upper Sanctuary and the citizens of Sanctuary.
- (b) Officers are cautioned that proving crimes that occured beyond the limits of the town is difficult and complex.
- (c) Officers should not allow potentially irrelevant crimes or allegations to distract them from their regular duties.
It doesn't matter where a crime happened, as long as a victim is a citizen, it is punishable. The Tigereyes's jurisdiction is only in the confines of Lower Sanctuary.
Sergeant Durris
2006-05-08 21:07:58 UTC
Thank you sir for your prompt response.
I'll see about purchasing a second-hand book of Law for the Clan to avoid asking unnecessary questions in the future.
I take it that if a Stout catches a thief breaking into our Clanhome, that it is within our rights to subdue and detain said thief until members of the Watch can be called to the scene?