Flamin' Pete
2008-08-31 23:41:06 UTC
Congratulations are in order. Your forces managed what many men would not have dared, and for that there must be acknowledgment. The Spellguard are now sealed away in their Tower forever.
It seems to me that I have an uncanny ability to side with the power that is destined to suffer an unlikely defeat from left field. Montezzi, Etorix and now even the Spellguard.
I find myself at my third impasse, and thus wish to know how I am viewed by your city's governing authorities. Will I be hunted down as an enemy combatant? Am I wanted for any civil criminal charges? Will my participation against your forces be overlooked like those of the Watchmen who remained loyal to authority? I ask only for a straight answer to this matter, and I think I am correct in believing you've the honor to allow me such.
A resourceful enemy can become a powerful friend when the cause of initial conflict is no longer valid, if emotions are left at the byway.
Pyotr Ignatiev
Flamin' Pete
2008-09-01 04:14:23 UTC
While I still wish to know the answers to the questions in my previous letter, I've managed to call in past favours for a lead which goes above and beyond mere politics or warfare. I've information that every soul in Sanctuary depends on, and only ask for absolution for past deeds which might have me a wanted man under your new regime in exchange for it. Write back soon otherwise I'll bring my information elsewhere; we can meet at Mur to discuss this. East Dunwarren is the topic.
Pyotr Ignatiev
2008-09-01 04:16:18 UTC
Mr. Ignatiev,
I am hesitant to offer you anything, or even to write to you, after all that I've heard and seen of you. Yet I'll hear you out. What do you offer us, and for what in exchange?
-- LT. Keel
Flamin' Pete
2008-09-01 04:28:40 UTC
I'd prefer a meet. Will Mur do, within the hour?
2008-09-01 04:33:46 UTC
Mr. Ignatiev,
Given that you've already tried to kill me and my men once, no, I'd not prefer a meet!
-- Lt. Keel
Flamin' Pete
2008-09-01 04:40:39 UTC
You've my word I will not try and kill you. Whatever you may have heard, I am a man of my honor. What do I stand to gain by killing you? The war is over, you won. If you believe me to have attacked you or any of your men for personal reasons, then you are quite mistaken.
Our deal can't be struck on paper. But the essence is that your new regime absolves any outstanding warrants or persecution it might harbour for me, and then I'll hand over information significant for not just you and I, the Watch or the Spellguard, but for every surfacer living in Dunwarren. It is critical this be done as soon as possible.
2008-09-01 04:45:49 UTC
Mr. Ignatiev,
I also had your word that you would aid us against the Spellguard. To this end, you attempted to have one of my allies assasinated by the Spellguad, and you assaulted my men during our invasion. What is your word worth?
-- LT. Keel
Flamin' Pete
2008-09-01 05:22:02 UTC
During the time when I told you I would aid you, I was in fact going to. Certain complications, specifically those surrounding Council candidate Indira, meant the situation changed and became beyond my control. I am willing to let you know the events as they happened from my point of view if you meet me.
However, I cannot stress enough how important this information I have is. I will go elsewhere with it if need be, for your men are easy enough to hide from. Whatever your choice, I'll let you know that I harbor no ill will for the new regime, only regret I wasn't able to assist them in the first place. You need not fear me hunting down your men one by one, which I could do with superior ease.
I'll need an answer very soon.
2008-09-01 14:18:24 UTC
Mr. Ignatiev,
The last time I was at Mur, they attempted to capture me, so I'm wary of meeting there. I will meet with you within Dunwarren; perhaps at the Gates of Sanctuary. You've my word that you won't be arrested or otherwise attacked, at least by any of my men. I'm willing to overlook your attacks on us, since these were acts of war, yet I don't think that my men would be fully willing to overlook what you had done to Indira and Daneel, or what you attempted to have Duskwalker do to several others.
-- LT. Keel