Well, Ebon Greyhawk has died. His dream of becoming the richest of the richest in Sanctuary ended. [edit: I will not say how I die if it is not known.]
Ebon Greyhawk originally came from lower Sanctuary, where his street gang known as the yellow smiles, drove him out because he developed bardic abilities, and so he forswore all ties to lower, and vowed to become the Richest man in Sanctuary. A passing cleric of Waukeen tutored him in the arts of Waukeenar, and told him the necessary rituals to be welcomed into the faith. His Silver Palm, Skill Focus appraise and persuade, came in handy numerous times. Little known fact: The only thing he ever killed: Was a Skeleton while turning undead. No Hostile enemies died to him, he totally relied on everyone else.
However, I can say this though, The spellguard are responsible for his afterlife, and I say, it's worthy of Shar.
My Favorite DM, Helkesst, refused to cast Hellball on me when I asked him to. He was rather adamant about it, so he decided to make up for it. THE WORLD"S STRONGEST LIQUOR, HELLBALL.
Elina is about to earn her Weapon master level. Jealous.
I found this Tux on the floor, unfortunately, I didn't get to die in it.
I was looking for loot in Etorix's cave, DM's said no.
So endeth Ebon Greyhawk, Merchant, Liar, Persuader, schemer, and above all, a Greedy little man.
Side note: I am surprised he got a DM ending, he never got one piece of DM loot made for him.