I offer my congratulations and my gratitude for your successful displacement of the tyranny under which this city has lived.
But while the mood of the city is rightly one of euphoria today, it will not be long before that euphoria is replaced quickly by fear. The people, despite all of the crimes and despite how much that faith was misplaced, looked to the Spellguard for protection. In the absence of the Spellguard, they will want answers to very basic questions and uncertainty in the answers will produce a great deal of fear.
I would implore you, sirs, to declare your means of provisional governance as quickly as possible - in hours, not days - and to make a demonstration of how you will protect and lead the people as quickly. The people are glad to be rid of the tyrants, but they will next ask what will replace them.
It is my own belief that a provisional authority by yourselves would be practical, efficient, and accepted by the people under the present circumstances, but that is yours to decide. In time, the restoration of the republic I imagine is a goal for many.
If you require any aid in your efforts during this crisis, whether civil or martial, I offer my own services. Though I was not previously affiliated with your movement, I joined you in the battle yesterday. Even if it is to simply stand with you against whatever comes, I would willingly do so - even if death for myself is the result. The city needs unity if it is to survive right now and I will support it.
Best regards,
Beregon Hrafn