Good dark there my readers before i print the news i would like a moment to tell you that i am saddned that this is what our city has become i have seen much in my short life the riseing of house montezzi the murder of my father stacy marthen at the hands of some unknown thug working for them i have seen them fall i have seen the evil spread inside our once fair goverment i saw and reported the rebel uprisings and the inthrallments over our watch and now i stand with my uncle(some where in the city) to see tothe end of this once great city now on with the news complet and truthfull to the best of my ability.
DROW DEMAND TRIBUTE A few moments ago i was told that a drow party was at out gates giveing terms of tribute to the watch that a 100 would be slaves be sent to them being the the watch the shouted no to the drow the drow then with skilled killed more than half of the guards at our city and siad they would return with in 24 hours the watch then siad they have nothing to defend them self with and it seems the watchguard goverment have no option but to give in to there demands.
Watchguard goverment fall apart today the watchguard goverment has announced it has nether the man power or the resources to repel any attacks from the drow or the chosen with ist forces thined out and being cut to peices by rebels and chosen alike the goverment leader dentra is also no where to be seen(he may be a bane knight but i wouldent mind him leading us right now).
House Archibald Falls the long standing great and noble house of archibald one of the few groups that realy did anything to protect this city and keep evil at bay within and with out has fallen there leader was found died in his room shortly after soldiers of the house leaveing given up there ranks in the house then the spellguard decalred it there property and removeing all people and guards stationed in the house now the this dark city has lost its last remianing light of hope also if anyone has seen any members of the female side of the house please report them or lend them aid.
Chosen attack group readys the chosen it seems have made ready there move once agian being seen gathering now in a large number the watchguard goverment have relased a speech to tell what people should do in the event of there attack but our only hope rely on what the former lord of house archibald siad we ether stand or fight or flee or create a weapon we might not able to control the watchguard state that there defences of lower will not hold and warn people to make ready to flee.
The black shape in the caves my reader i have yet more bad news i have been told by a friend of mine that while she was scouting the area of the city with her party that the heard starnge noises and in the larger parts f the caverns they siad they could see in what only they could discribe as Death on Black Wings moveing around in the underdark wither this is the great dragon that was once the leader of the shadow tribe its largly unknown but if it is then it seem the visions we recived are true the shadow tribe are gone and there leader is now under the control of the mind flyers and are comeing to take what they belive is theres.
Wel my faithful reader that is all i can report i have much her infront of me and more comeing in but most is old and most i cant see any point in telling it but i love this city but unlike my father am doing what my uncle angel told me am hitching on the boat thats docked and am out of here i would say i will report untill the end but i have no more scouts or aids here as there ether died, in the watchguard or already fleed the city in the boats or to fort mur unless anyone wishes to help? but ether way stay safe run like the merry wind and fight like drider backed into a corner your faithfully Dram Marthen