I am making a post for this character, because of overall awesomeness I had in playing him. His favorite spell: Fireball. His second? Combust. Third: Invisibility, because he can use that to cast fireball and combust safely.
Here is a picture of a few of his gang, cut off.
Him jumping! Gotta get one of those in.
Creating Magical Fires to Bask in. Although he mostly did that, cuz he liked to burn things.
This is him, hiding from paladins, and listening to the torment being given to Slarrik Vilbiss, and Conie Welteel.
Prince Co!
This is him, pledging allegiance!
If you didn't notice in the first screenie, I'll point out, that he recruited me when he was level 2, I was 4, and I could pwn him with one hit. He had 8 hp.
More Oathenizing.