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Co'ssai'liss, Luclin, and the I.P.A. - LTS catches up

In this thread I will be giving screenshots of three things: My lizardfolk character, my recent elf character, and the first and only Impromptu Poetry Competition.

(WTF is up with the colours)


The I.P.A., or Impromptu Poetry Association, was started when Luclin Faydwer was very very bored one day. There were enough people on the server, so I decided to risk it. I announced in a sending that 10 minutes later there would be a poetry competition! The prize? 100 gold and bubbleberries!

With that, I hired a panel of judges to help me, and the rest is history!

NEXT UP! General screenshots of Luclin Faydwer!

To explain the above screenshots in brief:

When I first logged into the server, there were very few people on. It was very late at night. DrDragon was one of the very few people, and he made it a personal mission to include me in his campaigning. If you can imagine, arriving in town, and before doing ANY of the usual dicking around quests, you get dragged along in a skimpy outfit to help impress a big guy like Macasta? Not only this, but you get paid for it too. Not GREAT coin, but for having been IG 5 minutes, it's a great gig to fall into.

Of course, I took advantage of this as much as I could, in no way more direction than in the above screenshot. I'm not telling Doc to run with it; rather, that was a conversation with someone else at the time. Anyways, it was like taking candy from Dr. D. Anyhow, long story short, Luclin's relationship with Silline declined sharply in the coming weeks. Primary to this feud was the fact that Silline slapped Luclin's butt repeatedly, and also murdered somebody for Etorix. Luclin killed Silline shortly after joining...The Rebellion!

Luclin died the way all rebel scum should die: painfully, and surrounded by people who hate her. She gave away her own secrets and kept those of her friends, but in the end it was not enough. Rather than being kept captive by her enemies, she first tried to fight back, then forced them to take her life.

Next up, the life and times of Co'ssai'liss, Prince of the Lizardmen!

(Finally fixed the screenies)

Co'ssai'liss, Prince. He was considered by many amongst his people to be a fool and troublemaker, not worth the time it would take to kill him. Co'ssai'liss, born of the patriarch's brood, born to be a hunter and strong provider. In a culture with such distinctions, he might have been a Prince. He was outcast for his beliefs, rejecting the ignorant and simplistic traditions of the Lizardfolk and favouring a society which sought more than mere survival. He believed that the Lizardfolk were on a path to self-destruction, unable or unwilling to evolve their society and survive in coming times of strife. Seeking recognition for what he considered to be a great epiphany, he would extol the virtues of organization, family, conservation, and intelligence, to a society without any virtue at all.

His people ignored his advice to seek a "higher Survival", creating more than the most basic of tools and living for more purpose than eating and mating. With the return of Moander and the subsequent worship of this new, false god, Co'ssai'liss turned from mere nuisance to noisome dissident. His own people turned violent and sought to kill him, scarring his limbs and infecting him with plagues. He escaped into the wilds of the Underdark, where his frustration with the path his people were taking finally overcame him. Severing and feasting on his own tail, he took an oath to become Kecuala, the name of a mythical partner of Semuanya, whose thoughts turned away from base survival and propagation, resulting in his splitting into the first Lizardfolk. As Kecuala, he would forsake the path his people chose and become a demon, living in horrible ways and killing even his own people in the pursuit of his goal: to gain power enough to free his people from Moander, lead them back to Semuanya, and to finally adopt a wiser lifestyle.

Co'ssai'liss was a Chaotic Evil Lizardfolk. He was a 3rd level Barbarian and 2nd level Ranger. He received +2 to Strength and Constitution, and a -2 to Intelligence. Along with the subrace, I applied for the PrC of Assassin. On the day of his death, I fulfilled two contracts given by my boss / partner in crime, Jhael.

Co'ssai'liss died, ALOT. Twice in a row he lost all his loot and gold, and I even ended up with less XP than I started the game with. When he met up with Jhael, all that turned around. In just around a week he turned from absolutely nothing to this:

Co'ssai'liss was an interesting divergence from my usual characters. Obviously, he was Chaotic Evil, which was a representation of the dark path he would follow. However, everything that he did, he did for his people. Like his people, he believed in Survival above all things; unlike his people, he realized that Survival is more than just day to day life.

He did what he had to do. His ultimate goal, you must remember, was to essentially kill a God. My intentions were to build him up from nothing into something. Unfortunately, things often got in the way, and more often than not he was overshadowed.


Even forced to submit him to indignities, casting away his pride like dead, flaking skin.

Co'ssai'liss was in every way the last patriot of his people. A devout follower of Semuanya, which is the primary Lizardfolk deity. I was reading through sourcebooks and came across information on Lizardfolk culture. Immediately I recognized and excellent match for EfU. I set to work writing out my application right away, and never for a moment did I lose sight of exactly who Co'ssai'liss was or what I wanted to do with him.

Though it's not to say I wasn't tempted. :3

Co'ssai'liss, during his time, was part of the fastest growing faction I've ever met. To me, it was a slice of nostalgia; it reminded me of Kiaring's Golden Doubloons, as led by King-Captain Daneel Royce. That was the first faction I was ever a part of in EfU, with my first character. There was camaraderie and teamwork that really went above and beyond the framework of Team Evil.

We were a party full of monsters, more often than not. Above you can see a tiefling; when I first met this guy in the wilderness somewhere, I was genuinely frightened. It took me at least 5 minutes before I came back to my senses and realized I could probably take him. Mind you, I never risked it.

Mutuu, who recently had his own Screenshots thread, was our most major tank and damage dealer. He was a half-orc, but like he said, he was really more of an orc than a human.

Jhael was a wizard and a Drow, which meant that none of our loot went unidentified. He had this secretive, sinister way about him that I thought was an excellent portrayal of a male Drow. His player was fantastic, and certainly my best buddy during Co'ssai'liss' reign.

We were also strongly allied with the Silver Tribe. I believe that during our height we had almost 10 kobolds at our beck and call.

Co'ssai'liss was an Assassin-type character, though even in straight hide armor he was a better tank than most. In fact, when he won his +1 Chainmail from a bounty he collected, his AC shot through the roof. Something to remember about Lizardfolk is their very high natural AC bonus.

The person he killed her was the first of two bounties he collected on the same day he died. Her head was kept in his bag, and was discovered after he was killed. Somehow, head and body came back together, and the person was raised. You now know that person as former Councilor Elina Adair, who got to come back and earn a PrC they hadn't previously had a chance to earn. lulz


Well, that is all folks. My two most recent characters, now deceased. I am working on several new concepts, but I am narrowing it down slowly but surely. Thank you to everyone who interacted with my characters, who either helped or hindered my progress through this crazy game, and who gave me some memorable times which I forgot to screenshot. I leave you with a really kick-ass character shot of Co'ssai'liss, basking in the heat of his underground lair.


The WTF that is up with the colors is there because you saved the pictures in .gif format which only supports 256 colors.

Now that I've seen more of your lizard PC, I stand by what I said.

If any of your upcoming concepts could use a partner in crime/minion/follower/whatever, let me know.



Luclin was a fine character, never seen your lizardman before though. : ) I say now it is time for lovethesuit Paladin.

You're not wasting time, you're basking!

No screenies of Conie?

This makes me sad. :(

I think the lizard was the best character you've ever played.

I agree with trendy for once.

LTS ftw.

I got to interact with both of them quite alot, and I am better for it!

I do now believe it is time for UGUUU!! Concept it, I expect to see her ingame in a days time..

yeah I remember that character. Died once because of an AoO moved you off a trap that you should have never been on in the first place. And then right after that.....well....fin.....so sad.

Still was a blast to play with you....despite being of a different alignment!