I'm not sure if this has been discussed before but it might be worthwhile to set up a recent immigrants guild for new players. They could have an office in the town hall, and perhaps a seperate sending system (though that may be hard to work IC). Several real cities have such things I think and given the situation in sanctuary it would defintly fit. The situation of the city is so perilous that new citizens probably would have to go through some sort of indocternation period before they become full citizens.
The guild could do such things as provide explanation of the laws and access to some of the "unwritten" laws of the community. For example several times I have forgotten to unequip weapons when running through the city and have been told to do so. Though it makes perfect since for this to be a law I couldn't find it written in any of the law books.
The guild could also provide information on local people who might have employment, tours of the city (several of the transistion zones are unmarked on the map), and access to PC in the various factions especially those in the spellguard for registration purposes.
It would also have the effect of encourageing younger players to stick it out longer than they otherwise might. Escape from the underdark is a huge world that can be a little intimidating, at least it was (and still is to some extent) for me. Some of the appeal is the overall difficulty and feel so the amount of help given would have to be thought about carefully. Perhaps the city history quest offered by the councilwomen could be used as part of a graduation ceremony to encourage independent investigation, and until you graduate you can't vote or fully join any of the factions? It could also be used as kind of a roleplaying training ground.
If this happens I would be more than willing to take a very active role, though I don't think I could head it up since I don't have the nessecary experience in the world. Anyway just a thought I wanted to through out there.