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Selling Throl's Belongings

[Posted in the Canal, and randomly in the path to Upper]

Ring of Fortitude: 150 each (1 in stock) [[+1 fortitude]] Fullplate Armor: 1400 gold (1 in stock) Dragon Helm: 50 gold Glittering Cloak: 300 gold Fighters Splint: 1600 gold Goblin Boots: 200 gold Snake Hunters Ring: (2 in stock) [[+2 vs reptilian, +1 vs poison]] Rattish Protection Amulet: (1 in stock) [[+1 ac, +1 vs disease, +1 animal empathy]] Ilmaterian Mace: 1200

Tasmar Cobbwinkle

[Scrawled under a couple of the posters]

For each and every rebel the Spellguard's toadies kill, we will take one in return.

An eye for an eye.

*Scrawled beneath the scrawling*

Makes the whole world blind.
