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Preserved Orc Head (And probably other items, too)

Came across a Preserved Orc Head item a while back. Had a Single Use function of Divine Might(5). On using it, I got the message "This ability is tied to your Turn Undead uses for the day, of which you have none left" (or something to that effect, anyway.) If only paladins and clerics can use these items, a restriction saying so, or something in the description, stating that it can only be used by classes with Turn Undead would be great, at least so that others don't accidentally think "Hey, that's a really cool item", only to get something that doesn't work.

In summary: Divine Might doesn't work on single use items unless you have Turn Undead.

Good call. Any other effects have this issue?

I got Divine Might confused with Divine Favor, I think.

It should be divine favor, severed enchanted preserved orog heads aren't really a paladin sort of item.

There's a similar item called Warrior's Heart, representing a dried heart from a former hero, not wholly unpleasant to touch.

It gives you Divine Shielding and Divine Power, either can be used twice.

I gave the item away to someone else, but it may still be in your database.

This should be fixed. If you discover any other ambient loot that is funky, do continue to make a bug report though -- I tend to churn out dozens at a time, so errors inevitably slip in.