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Encouraging Verses

These are posted in the Lower Bazaar, obviously inteded as motivational or inspirational.


A coward believes he will ever live if he keep him safe from strife: but old age leaves him not long in peace though spears may spare his life.


This verse tells us of the fickle nature of our existence, of life. For we shall all, one day, die - all that is up to us to determine, is the nature of our death.

All those of you too afraid to fight the tyrants holding Upper, heed this verse! If you refrain from fighting the Spellguard Menace in fear of death, know that you shall die as certainly as the rest of us - merely in disgrace and pain under the Spellguard boot! Do not fight back if slavery is the lot you seek in life - and it shall certainly be the lot you recieve until your certain demise.

Or you can fight back, let go of your fear of death, and join the battle for FREEDOM!