THE REVALOTION HAS STARTED The city is in complet martial law has been decalred and its still going on with upriseings everywhere and the mian goverment had been disbanded and the new watchguard goverment is in place rebel groups attacking the watchguard goverment in all derictions the following places have been taken by rebels. School of war-lowersmen rebels Seekers Hall- Rebel watchmen To help control the city area are now heavly guarded but this are only spreading thin the nearly depelted watch militia forces and over extending spellguard animatrons the watch and spellguard no longer see friendly forces your ether on there side or your a rebel anyone with a diffrent mind set it seems is to be put into jail or killed on the spot what are we to do in such trying times? when the goverment is tearing its self to bits and its own people want it removed?? the goverment have given me no statment to say about this.
Watchmen attacks on the rise Since the start of the upriseings the number of watchmen found died is increasing last dark a whole command post was wiped out all 4 watchmen where over powered and killed on the spot also any watchmne on there own seem to be the subject of ether stone attacks or worse a arrow in the back from some unseen archer the goverment have not stated what there saying on this so watchmen watch out.
School of war take over The school of war the house of the city arena where people go to trian and challeng others in duels has been forced into and taken by the lowers people since the refused upper rule the have taken over and been duigging in for a length of a seige some shouts and arrow fire have been passed but the watch have so far just blockeded them inside but reports say the watch and spellguard plan to assult the school and crush all that they find in an act to slow rebel groups from forming the goverment have given me no statement for this.
Seeker Hall take over The rebel watchmen have forced there way into the hall of seeker and taken over and barricaded them self in last dark scream where heard it is now concluded that the hostages that where taken may in fact be killed and as off now the group called the seker are no more and as i have to do this on my own as the new watchguard goverment relase near nothing this area is off to none watchguard personal.
Crime rate on the rise With martial law declared and the upper goverment being attacked on all side by its people and its own men the resi district of the city has been reporting a break ins at the few houses and petty crimes like theift and robbery is on the rise and brawling its seem the watch will deal with only rebels and any one with a free thinking mind but petty crimes your allowed to get away with.
House archibald House archibald alwas opening its doors to the people of lower and upper alwas there to protect thos that need or ask for it some say there the ones that are the only ones that can protect the city being the have dealt with many forms of attack and have went out and stoped many vile things from trying to take this city including find and going out and slying the mind flyer that was inthralling the city watch they have not siad any statement but there doing all they can to keep upper in order.
Spellguard and watch brutal put down The united forces of the city have brutaly put down many rebel groups including killing members on the spot people seen putting pro rebel posters up where killed on the spot some where taken in for qestioning the rest killed or vanshied in to spellguard tower anouther spider there that needs feeding?.
The canal ward still standing? reports are still unconfirmed but it seems the canal ward was standing and fending off chosen not much news other than that but a number of lower fled there so if you have any friend or family you are worried about they may have ran to the canal.
The following topics where asked by people who brought forth evidence that they wish others to know about.
Bane Knights The followers of bane a strange and largly unknown group was reported to have a growing following till the upriseing started now they have vanished unknowing where they went or who lead them but if you look at the man they call dentra littel closer is that not a black hand pendant over his chest? bit like the ones the bane knights have? and if you look under a few watch mens armour you will find a number of them are bane followers.
Helms knights The knights of helm a great and noble god that protects the weak and powerless they came back to the city a some darks ago before the chosen invastion claiming the upper goverment are vile and evil people and siad they would free they people where are they? where are they people asked when the chosen invaded lower where are they the people asked whent he watch where turned to thralls where are they when this upriseing started and the goverment started killing its own well thes can be answered it seem shortly after they returns there numbers where picked at till there where a few left and thos have vanished with out a trace its unknown some force wiped them out or some upper force had them taken care of before the could be a threat.
Well that is all good people i will be back once i have more news i ask that people that see crimes deaths and anything that others should know that they can leave a letter at the grotto and i will get it there till then stay alive stay out of the watchs way. Dram Marthen