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Contract Elina Adair

Would be Guardsman

We welcome you into our business. We Shall give you the title of Guardsman of the Greyhawk. You will strive to better yourself, the Name of the Greyhawk House, and the fortune we seek to gain.

While you seek to bear our colors, while you bear my Houses name, You no longer merely represent yourself, but you represent the entirety of the House Greyhawk. Do not forget this. Everything you do requires that you consider the impact your words or actions will have upon our name. You have our trust, and with it, you must also act in a manner that is Dignified, Respectful, and Law abiding.

As a Guardsman, It is your duty to act in the name of the House Grehawk. You are a liason between us and the people of this city. Whilst in our service, You are obligated to listen and act in accordance to any instruction given to you by a member of this house. You are also obligated to refuse such orders that would directly harm any members of this House or that would result in the death or serious injury of anyone in the Houses employ. You shall always strive to protect the members of this house and our fortune. You will not act in any ways that would bring dishonor to your title or this house. It is your duty to know what is acceptable and what is not. You are required to request permission before taking any drastic action that you cannot discern our position on.

We promise to respect who you are and your opinion, and as such, at any point that you feel you can no longer serve this house and be truthful to yourself, you have the right to hand back the title of Guardsman- no questions asked. We are also very interested in your desires and hopes for the fortunes we seek. Do not hesitate to bring forth any new ideas, information, or thoughts concerning a subject. We would however, insist that you do not slander the House. While you represent us, any disagreements should be handled outside the public eye.

The bonuses gained while in my employ are simple. We will offer you discounts on wares, potions, and wands that are produced, or come into our possession by us. You gain a reliable fall back in case you lose all. You also have a vendor who will buy the items you come across in your adventures. Should we become prominent, you gain the respect of fellow adventurer, and watchman in city. Not to mention any bonuses for behavior outside the line of duty

Sign here if you agree with the conditions:________________

Sir Ebon Greyhawk

//Quote, edit, and sign on the line

Would be Guardsman

We welcome you into our business. We Shall give you the title of Guardsman of the Greyhawk. You will strive to better yourself, the Name of the Greyhawk House, and the fortune we seek to gain.

While you seek to bear our colors, while you bear my Houses name, You no longer merely represent yourself, but you represent the entirety of the House Greyhawk. Do not forget this. Everything you do requires that you consider the impact your words or actions will have upon our name. You have our trust, and with it, you must also act in a manner that is Dignified, Respectful, and Law abiding.

As a Guardsman, It is your duty to act in the name of the House Grehawk. You are a liason between us and the people of this city. Whilst in our service, You are obligated to listen and act in accordance to any instruction given to you by a member of this house. You are also obligated to refuse such orders that would directly harm any members of this House or that would result in the death or serious injury of anyone in the Houses employ. You shall always strive to protect the members of this house and our fortune. You will not act in any ways that would bring dishonor to your title or this house. It is your duty to know what is acceptable and what is not. You are required to request permission before taking any drastic action that you cannot discern our position on.

We promise to respect who you are and your opinion, and as such, at any point that you feel you can no longer serve this house and be truthful to yourself, you have the right to hand back the title of Guardsman- no questions asked. We are also very interested in your desires and hopes for the fortunes we seek. Do not hesitate to bring forth any new ideas, information, or thoughts concerning a subject. We would however, insist that you do not slander the House. While you represent us, any disagreements should be handled outside the public eye.

The bonuses gained while in my employ are simple. We will offer you discounts on wares, potions, and wands that are produced, or come into our possession by us. You gain a reliable fall back in case you lose all. You also have a vendor who will buy the items you come across in your adventures. Should we become prominent, you gain the respect of fellow adventurer, and watchman in city. Not to mention any bonuses for behavior outside the line of duty

Sign here if you agree with the conditions: Elina Adair

Sir Ebon Greyhawk

//Quote, edit, and sign on the line