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Proposal: The Return to Council Sovereignty

Councilor Raymus reads the following passage, before a small audience:

It is high time that the overblown position of Sheriff was brought to heel. It is unheard of, save Dhogur, for such a position to wield as much authority as it has. Once, the City had a Mayor and a Council. The Sheriff, while a powerful man, was tasked with overseeing the Watch. This was his sole concern, and not the governing of a City, and the oversight of the Council.

Azrus Azzam was a man who seized power when the opportunity arose. And while he did well enough for the City with it, we have seen how vulnerable such a position can be, and how dangerous consolidating that power can be.

We must return to the old ways. Michael Bresley has returned. We must reinstate the Mayoral Position, and resolidify the Council's sovereignty, and remove the veto power of the Sheriff position.

We must not allow another Sheriff's tenure to begin with too much power. While Werner Sheps may not be an evil man, power can corrupt. I suggest we make his job easier, by limiting his scope to the men who serve in the Watch, and not make the Council heel to his command.


"You all have the right to know what is proposed. This is what I suggest. Write to the Council, and voice your support for this measure."