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returning player seeking faction/group/companions

Hello all-

Some while back I played on EFU for a few short months as a gnome sorcerer named Doja Annex and my experience on the server was nothing short of spectacular. Some of my fondest memories involved the more involved group activities, tagging along on missions with the Seekers or as the least efficient member of the Shadow tribe in its early days. Work and life interceded and I decided to stop playing, but I'm back with a little extra time on my hands and wanting to join in again for a spell. While I consider myself a willing, if somewhat mediocre, role-player, I'm very interested in improving with the help of some generous folk. I thought I'd put word out to see if anyone(s) would take me under their wing/allow me to tag along in any nefarious plotting towards Sanctuary's downfall or hopeless attempts at bringing good to this dark, dark place...Of course, something less grand would definitely be appreciated as well.

What I'm looking for: A group/faction, already involved in some plots and willing to include a relative newcomer. Either that or a few other people who are just starting out and would be interested in another member to their party or fledgling organization. Howland's call out for the Stewards some time back looks particularly interesting (I've always been intrigued by the idea of playing a druid in this setting), but I'm not sure if that has passed its prime or if the faction is no longer looking for additional members. Basically I'm looking for company and am open to most anything...

What you're looking for: -An extra body, an eager participant. I'm happy to play a subordinate, slave, support staff, or meat shield, depending on your group's needs. If you give me a general picture of what's lacking, I'll try and come up with a concept that will complement you.

Hope to hear from someone soon (PM or otherwise) or to catch you IG. Cheers.

The Sentries need every hand it can get. You up for playing another spellcaster?

Remember, character before faction, but I do need Sentries. And in the Sentries, we're all equals unless we agree on a chain of command.

House Greyhawk is a mercantile faction willing to give you support. We will not restrict you joining other factions, and you will have the support of several innovative players I've managed to recruit.

The Stewards.

A nature oriented faction where you can be a druid (or druid multiclass) to be within the circle or a guardian (almost any non- druid char with the right motives could work except for paladin most likely). It is a dm faction that is growing once more and has a ton of plots to immerse yourself in right away. You will have player support, dm attention, and will seem some pretty awesome stuff.

This faction is great and there are so many angles in which you can approach it with a character that is nature oriented. If you have any questions about it, you can pm me on the forums or IRC, or you can talk to Mort on IRC and I am sure he will help you out with any details you need clarified better.

So to your concern, it has not passed at all. It is going strong in fact. Any type of character would be welcomed but if you want some specifics (based on what you already might want to play for the faction), once again, contact me.

I remember you, and am very glad you've returned. Welcome back to EFU!