Dear Sheriff,
I wish to make a formal complaint regarding a man in your employ known as Private Jovua.
On this very cycle, I had the displeasure of meeting him in the street. He stopped me, and asked me to put away my walking staff. Now I did, I admit, initially think he was joking. He had just stopped another citizen for carrying a drawn blade, and I thought it was some sort of crude attempt at humour, not least because my walking staff is taller than I am. I replied light heartedly that perhaps he had a saw, so I might cut it in three and stuff it in a pack. But sadly the man was serious, and suggested I tie it to my back with string.
Being as we have not met in person, let me just clarify at this point that I am a little over five and a quarter feet in hight. My walking staff would be easily six foot. The impracticality of walking with a stick longer than me tied onto my back, a stick ironically carried with the intent to aid me walk, seemed lost on this private. He said that the issue of where to put the staff was my problem, and then promptly arrested me for disobeying a watchman.
He then drew weapons on me in the watch cell, and took a variety of my items, including a robe given to me by Agent Sigarna and my citizen stone. He was persistently rude, and seemed incapable of understanding anything I said to him. I repeated myself twice with almost every sentence.
Now let met conclude by painting a picture of who I am. I lived in this city for over twenty years, without a single criminal charge against my name. I am a law abiding citizen, and despite the clearly unreasonable approach of your private I complied with his every request. I have carried a walking staff for some years now, and have never previously been told by any other law enforcing body that they were illegal to carry. As one of the towns many itinerant workers, I have no permanent abode here, but rather sleep at an inn. As such there is no where I could reasonably store my staff upon walking around the town.
With chosen assailing our Lower gates, the drow threatening to invade and accusations of thraldom within your own ranks, it simply boggles the mind that this private could think of nothing more practical to do with his time than bully and steal from a law abiding citizen.
I do not wish to make a big storm over this incident. I simply ask for an apology from the private and a return of the goods he dispossessed from me, most importantly my citizen stone, without which I will not be able to vote in the upcoming elections. If you could also have my arrest struck from the criminal record, I think I would be mollified.
Regards, Jacia Lyonaley, The Last Stand.